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11/28/2020 02:38 PM 

HELLO !!! >.>
Current mood:  blah

grrr who wantz 2 be frienz :( we can talk n be bestiez

grr , pretty plz , ill even kiss u >:( ,


11/28/2020 02:16 PM 

Why am I like this??

Been in a bit of a weird place the last few weeks. Nothing's horrible. I've been productive and this is not the worst I've ever felt. But it's this underlying feeling of sadness or insecurity that's been morphing into a feeling of depressed paralysis. My interests/tastes are kind of weird and my head alternates between wanting to be busy and needing peace and quiet. I don't feel it's that serious but it's definitely a bummer hahaIn other news, got back into sewing and it feels reeeeeally good. It's nice to feel like I can just sit down and make my clothes look nicer. Anyway, kinda tired. Maybe I'll elaborate more on all the feelings going on in another post. 

Emotions, feelings, thoughts, confessions


11/28/2020 01:11 PM 


i cnt be the only one who thinks the statement "you can't be mean if ur alt" is f***ing stupid right ... >.> cuz it just doesn't make sense 2 me at all. like r we forgetting how 2005 scene teens used 2 tell eachother to slit on myspace and how punks beat the sht out of people daily or wut ... i think the new wave of tiktok alt cocksuckers is rly annoying and theyre altering what alt RLY means even tho theyve been """alt""" for max liek ... 2 months -.- its annoyingalso msi sux bai . i saw a "scenecore" playlist and all it was was msi mother mother and 100 gecs >.> sum1 tell danganronpa d*cksuckers tht 100 gecs isnt scene music thanx ^.^

Just ranting xP


11/28/2020 12:19 PM 

Current mood:  froggy

umm idk if anyone will see this but my twitter is @/makeoutpxrty :D 


11/27/2020 11:44 PM 




11/27/2020 11:39 PM 

first post ?? :O

um hi lolidrk how this site works tbh ?? i just wanted to join bc it looked fun :3 how r u all doing ????????(what should i even post about ...... o.o)ummm my day kinda sucked bc my pIERCING GOT INFECTED >:( so does anyone know how to fix that ....... lol ........ok thatz it i thinkbye :D

first post

[FROG EGGS] hypnagogicGutstuff

11/27/2020 05:18 PM 

Odd Blooded FanTrolls

This is a pretty unpopular opinion in the Homestuck community. I LOVE weird blooded fantrols. The colored blood opens up a whole mansion of creativity that people really like to shame. I understand not allowing it in RPs, but shaming fantrolls (especially the ones made by children) isn't fun. Disclaimer: Any odd blooded troll would have been killed off in canon, but that doesn't make it bad or over-powered. I would reccomend making them under an AU or creating your own fannon meteor where the hierarchy is less crule just for the f*** of it tho (holy sh*t if you do this I love you, using a fandom to jump start your own universes is super sick)There are some rules that I do generally stand by when it comes to OC making, the most notable being a) don't make the character super over powered, b) don't make the character flawless, c) don't make the character adored by everyone. The reson for this is that it's f***ing boring, not that it's cringe or a crime agienst humanity. But rules are made to be broken. Lemme go over some of my favorite tropes and why they shouldn't be bashed into the f***ing ground. Glitter Bloods- Not so common, but super f***ing epic. Your troll BLEEDS GLITTER. F*** maybe glitter bloods are all fairies or some fancy glittery sh*t, like the cannon sea dwelling trolls. Multicolored and Rainbow Bloods- These are pretty neat, but pretty looked down appon. I like the idea of them a lot. I feel like rainbow bloods would be super rare and multicolored ones much more common but still considered an anomaly. Black, White, and Grey Bloods- OOoooo this is dangerous. I love these guys. Black and white are pretty basic, refreshing colors in my opinion. I don't really know why these are so controversial, other then the fact that they've been stated to be impossible. But so has glitter blood. We're working under an AU here, greyscale blood can exist. Pastel Blood- One of my favorites. I especially like it when albino trolls have pastel blood, even though that's not how albinism works. It tyes into the theme of light colors that would likely come with an albino troll's design. Besides that, I just really like pastel colors okay leave me alone >w<Honestly you don't have to rationalize why your respective blood colors exist, even though rationalizing it would be better in a story telling sence. I, for one, am terrbile at story telling and purly enjoy these blood colors aesthetically, and you know what, that's okay.There's a lot more possibilites that I havn't touched on, but my small brain can't process any more right now. The point of this post- Bullying children is stupid and glitter blood is badass as f***. 

homestuck, fantrolls, oc


11/27/2003 05:11 PM 

Current mood:  sneezy

i hav been blowin snotty bubbles 4 th past 2 dayzzzzzzz,,,,,,, dis aint it 4 me.. 


11/27/2003 02:05 PM 

Current mood:  headphones

take this to your grave is the best fob album and u can fight me on it.. 


11/27/2004 01:41 PM 

been listening to middle school jams lately...
Current mood:  angsty

 so lately, i've been getting back into Fall Out Boy  


11/27/2020 12:01 PM 

Current mood:  calm

its taken way too long to build my profile and im not even finished yet


11/27/2020 11:48 PM 

Who's Laughing Now?
Current mood:  blah

Well its no nuance November so here we go...Anyone who is surprised this lockdown is happening is blind to what's going on. For those who haven't noticed a global pandemic means you don't get to decide when the outside world is safe, if you could then you would be sitting in these conversations as to how this sh*t is handled. It is what is, not that it's any of my business but like maybe if we all took this seriously ALMOST A YEAR AGO and weren't cracking off jokes and memes online about not having Halloween and Christmas the joke wouldn't be a reality now would it???Who's laughing now? Not any of us that's for sure.Personally for myself I can't & won't sit here and list off all the sh*t things about this year because honestly in the grand scheme of things they haven't be THAT bad. I can easily think of plenty of other years that have been crap, but for that i am VERY fortunate and thankful because I am also perfectly aware there are TONS of people who aren't in my position and this year has been their absolute worst.For them I feel horrible and I hope by the end of this they make it out stronger and more confident in themselves because living through everything we all have as a world is a huge accomplishment and I don't think we give ourselves enough credit for the little things. So to all of you struggling and feeling alone reach out. It sounds cliché and what not but legit... do it to someone you feel safe with and someone you know is judgement free, trust yourself to be vulnerable sometimes. Your not growing if your not uncomfortable. 

no nuance November, covid 19, 90s kid, rant of the day, imo


11/27/2020 08:03 PM 

Cant Sleep rip

So i've been up since like 2 in the morning i cant go back to sleep. i'd draw or something but my ipad dved and i need a new charger rip </3. Anyway i'm currently listening to this band called No Buses they are pretty good so far i really like their style of music so far. Also i'm hella hungry rn but imma just wait till breakfast. That is if i'm not asleep by then. On the bright side waking up early has given me the opportunity to talk to this boy i find cute so wooo :D


11/27/2020 07:10 PM 


satoko looked adorable in the new ep!i hope satoshi shows up soon i wanna know how he looks like already -__-    


11/27/2020 02:24 PM 

Current mood:  tired

idk what to do im slow sleepy and lost hhhhhhhh.. 

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