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01/04/2021 04:24 PM 

ignore this emo sh*t
Current mood:  depressed

Wow not be stupid and emo on here but legitimately idk wtf I'm doing with my life rn. like everyone is going to college and they know what they're doing but honestly i feel like i hit a giant brick wall and i should just give up on everything. :( feeling really depressed recently. It sucks cus i feel the most confident in myself for the first time in a long time, but concerning life in general.... idk wtf I'm doing. i feel like a 5 year old still on a lot of levels. And I'm trying to keep myself busy/productive to distract myself from thinking but really all I've been doing is playing video games and watching movies and listening to music instead of doing anything actually productive, which is fun, but i feel guilty about not doing anything super efficient. :// Worst thing is idk how to ask for help rn so here i am ranting in the void. anyways. here's a song that makes me feel better sometimes. I Want To Be Alone - Jackson C. Frank (From Vinyl)


01/04/2021 05:39 PM 

When Depression Knocks on Your Door
Current mood:  depressed

One night, Depression knocks on my doorSo I let it in, without knowing its identity.I let it in, because I think it needs my help.I let it in, and then it reveals its personality.Depression…Depression is an earthquake I don’t know when will come,But when it appears, it creates havoc I don’t know where it comes from.Depression is a rain of tears,And when time passes by, it becomes storm and my great fear.Depression is a sad and tragic movieThat makes my tears fall freely and rapidly.Yes, it is a sad movie that makes me cry at night,And I don’t know why I’m doing so, and I can’t understand this plight.Depression is a brother of anxietyWho can just knock me down easily.Depression is a friend I want my mother to knowBut she just says, “Let your stupidity go!”Depression is the handcuffs locked on my wristThat I don’t even know it still existsDepression is the coffee that stops me to sleep at night.Depression is the onion that can easily make me cry.Depression is the voice ringing in my head.Depression is the monster under my bed.Depression…Depression is a car in a parking lot,And I’m the parking lot I don’t want to be at.Depression is the ghost that haunts a houseAlthough, I’m the house I don’t want to live at.Depression is a star that always stays in the skyAnd, I’m the sky I don’t want to look at.Depression is a silly child who asks me“Are you tired of living?”But I just answer with“I’m tired of Dying!”Because Depression kills me everyday.Depression makes me feel I’m already dead.It is a bullet that in my heart forever stays.It is a vicious, painful word forever said.Depression…Depression is not a treasure from a chest.Depression is not a kind guest.So, when Depression knocks on your door,Don’t open it, if you don’t want to have a deadly tour,Because when Depression knocks on your door,It wants to make you feel lonely until you don’t know why you’re lonely anymore.


01/03/2021 11:51 PM 

Nuns should fear me
Current mood:  hungry

I got school tmw but idc i will be staying up and eat some fcking soup and play on my switch. I may regret my decision in the morning but rn it's sooop time :)


01/04/2021 12:27 PM 

Current mood:  hopeful

hoping that in some alternate universe nana x hachi is a real thing  because WHY ISNT IT A REAL THING after all the stuff thats happened to them why arent they TOGETHER?! i gues i can only dream T_T


01/04/2021 12:02 PM 

Current mood:  angry

*NANA SPOILERS*i wish hachi aborted her child WHYYYYY DIDNT SHE i get that her dream was to become a housewife and have a family but did she really had to have that child with the toxic mf takumi?! she could always try again with nobu?!!! they could have been such a perfect couple if she ended up with nobu!!! it was crystal clear that they still loved each other until the end of the series but noooo nobu was still a bit immature at that time and couldnt comprehend the situation so hachi had to choose takumi because he could provide stabilty for her and the child >:[ i hate how realistic this show isss 


01/03/2021 09:40 PM 


yo so when i look at my profile i feel like my pfp is cutting off my name a little bit? does anyone know how to fix this? 

#help #question


01/03/2021 09:38 PM 

When the

When the

Gutter Girl

01/03/2021 09:04 PM 


Moving to the country, gonna eat a lot of peaches!Millions of peaches, peaches for me! Millions of peaches, peaches for free!


01/03/2021 03:53 PM 

Current mood:  blah

School starts again tomorrow,WHYYYY???!!!! I really don't wanna go to school again, ugh :(Someone plz cheer me up



01/03/2021 08:17 PM 

Band videos!
Current mood:  inspired

Live performances, music videos and other things that bands have done which I just think are really rad   (I don't excuse any problematic actions) 


01/03/2021 12:03 PM 


i told maggie goodmorning in a very gay way today lol, and they responded with lmao. maggie left to do arts and crafts with their mom. they were gonna do embroidery but they accidentally got a cross stitching kit. they painted clowns:) they were really cute! so far they made 5. theyre gonna make them hold balloons and they gave ema  littte hat :o they wanted a thinner wire for the balloon, so i tried to help find a good one, but i dont think i did a good job :/ we listened to old country together all day. it was actually really fun. we watched some hilarious yt videos together. there was this one where 7 people were ina  boat and it like flipped around and watching all the peopel was hilarious. we watched a lot of big wave videos, and videos about turbulence. then we did our watchtower study together:) afterthat, we looked at 60s wigs that maggie wants, and then looked at cool clown stuff on etsy. we looked at a ton of cute cat and animal videos on this ladys instagram page. it was really cute but she rescued animals so some of it was sad :/ we watched this CRAZY video of like a brawl in a chinese restaurant. sh*t was wild man. we watched some funny/cool peter steele moments, and that was a lotta fun. he seems like he was a cool guy. maggie showed me songs that they used to like in hs. they were really good! and it was really fun to listen to it with them cus it was mostly all new to me. there were a couple songs that made me blush really hard. maggie got tired so we listened to music and went to bed:)


01/02/2021 11:51 PM 


today was a fun day:) we hung out a lot! we watched a bunch of yt vids and that was super fun. maggie started working on the babies today! they figured out how to get the wire into their heads, but it was hard lol they burned themselves a lot. we looked at these really nice moon necklaces:) you change the moon based on a custom date, and it seems really nice. i started feeling really gay, and i kinda cried a little lol. any time i look at maggies pictures i just see my wife. after that we looked at astrology stuff, and its kinda bs lol. it was fun though. maggie hates watches lol


01/03/2021 03:51 PM 


Bullet belt I ordered came in the mail today. Looks pretty f***ing dope/swagger/cool/awesome. Really hard to put on because of the unbelievably tight metal clamps on it but whatever. Real spent casings too (holy sh*t It was shot out of a g-g-gun!). Anyways nobody cares I'm just hanging out and listening to Sodom alone. Sodom is pretty cool but I'm not too into them, however I want to dig deeper into teutonic thrash. Of course Slayer and Dark Angel and all those insane thrash bands are great too and inspired me to get a bullet belt. Why the hell not! I like guns too. That doesn't make me a weirdo. I just like firearms and firearm accessories because they are cool to me. Swords and flails and maces of the like are pretty sweet as well. I do not enjoy killing. Death sucks, however cool sh*t comes out of the lust for death etc. etc. edgy deep statement.

sodom, metal, guns, swords


01/03/2021 03:04 PM 

Current mood:  stressed

this is so hard to customize lmaoo PLS 


01/03/2021 03:16 PM 

Current mood:  fascinated

i forgot to write about this but i actually got the tomie manga by junji ito for christmas! i have only read a few chapters but so far i really love it! i would definitely love to read his other works in the future. also i want to say recently ive been starting to read mangas and im currently reading a cruel god reigns and oboreru knife. i put both on hold for a while because i get bored with things easily :\ but i hope that some motivation sparks in me to continue reading it :)))

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