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mimi zzz

01/08/2021 09:17 PM 

bored x_x

waaaahhh, i need 2 draw but i also wanna edit michiko >_<im so bad at making decisions 


01/08/2021 01:56 PM 

Скотт пилигрим!
Current mood:  adored

Я просто обожаю комиксы и фильм Скотт Пилигрим!!!! Типо, бож, они прекрасны, ну, покрайне мере комикс, фильм он.... Просто.... Ну не очень как мне кажется, но да ладно! 

mimi zzz

01/08/2021 05:47 PM 

random stuffzzz
Current mood:  tired

waaaahh today was so long T_Tschool sux a lot, its friday though so its a little better ^_^ im going rollerblading with a friend tomorrow, really excited!!


01/08/2021 05:02 PM 

Cheap Food

Here's a "good" recipe for cheap foodmix some eggs and flour (any flour) in a bowl or whateveradd nome veggies or meat or whatever anything you gotadd some water if its too thick it should be somewhat like liquildput a pan on stoveput some oil (any oil) on the panpour the mess on the panfry for a few minutes on both sideseat with mayo or whatever you like


01/08/2021 12:14 PM 


So umm. Yes, I'm an artist and I do take commissions. You can find the information right here :3

art, artist, commissions, commission,


01/08/2021 10:32 PM 

MARS manga
Current mood:  bored



01/07/2021 04:12 PM 


maggies ear and kidney hurt this morning lol. it doesnt sound fun. we played more cod today:) it was so much fun! we were winning in ranked a lot and it was just really nice to play with them more:) the wig maggie ordered came today! they said it was really good and felt like real hair :o after a while of playing cod maggie started getting anxious so we switched it up and played uno:) i dont usually talk about world events here, cus this is about love, but wow crazy stuff happened today :o me and maggie talked for a bit about the crazy stuff happening in the capitol. maggie got starbucks today. they said it sucked though lol. they scared a couple white people though so it was worth it haha. another toy that maggie got the cats came today:) pixie really likes it! arwen likes it too but she doesnt really know how to play with it lol. later that evening maggies brother was looking at the cards. he wasnt jealous :/ but there were a couple that he wanted really bad. he wanted to know where maggie got the cards too, but they wouldnt say. im the mysterious pokemon guy tango dingo ringo lol. when maggie was laying down getting ready for bed i was tallking about out future and being super gay and it freaked them out lol. i just really look forward to the future so i get lost in my thoughts sometiems:) 


01/08/2021 05:18 PM 

I Hate Remebering


01/08/2021 04:12 PM 

Drepression Is A World


01/07/2021 11:36 PM 

This is serious
Current mood:  cultured

I'm pretty postive that I am the self proclaimed god of water bottles but who knows 


01/07/2021 10:29 PM 

add me if you're chill

I'll be honest I'll probably be obsessed with this site for like a week then forget about it thanks to my ADD  But yeah literally add me since I know nobody here, but feel like I need friends for it to be fun. God I miss MySpace - also 18+ friends only please. Not because NSFW just because I am an adult and am slightly (very) creeped out thinking of talking to minors online. I don't know how this works someone show me around. Thanks byeeee 

add me, idk


01/06/2021 03:31 PM 


maggie went to target this morning:) and got ultra strong tp lol. they made lots of funny jokes about it. maggie got hot chicken from this restaurant called als. they said it was pretty good but not amazing, and the fries were alright, so thats good:) maggie taught me how to cook today:) we made pombozas and a fried potato thing i cant remember the name of. it was so good:) and it was really fun to cook with them. they laughed a lot at my cutting and cooking skills lol. i had a really great time and maggie says theyre gonna teach me how to cook even more stuff:)) i cant wait itl be amazing. after maggies therapy we played lots of cod together:) since i got my new phone its actually so much fun to play! and i dont suck anymore so i can help maggie win games. ive really missed playing with them. the whole time we played i was smiling. maggie made a moving wallpaper of themself for me:) its beautiful:)) and i love just unlocking my phone and looking at it throughout the day:) its amazing. maggie left for a bit and worked on their business cards while their phone charged. they look amazing:) maggie got me a case:) it looks awesome! its clear and has glittery stuff in it and it has a strap to hold it! its awesome:) and since its clear i can put a picture of them in it and i can see it:) we talked more about the stuff maggie would need to ship their earrings, and theyre gonna get it soon. we played truth or dare :o we took truth every time haha. we asked pretty serious questions i think, and the answers were good. playing again could be fun. maggie made us a clan in cod :) and since i have my acc linked to facebook now we have like matching pfps:) i really like it. we watched 2 animes together tonight:) they were both super gay so ofc i liked them. the first one was the one that maggies sent clips of to me before bc im like the husband lol. it was a little too gay for them haha. after we watched the shows we went to bed. 


01/07/2021 08:29 PM 

Fallen Angel


01/07/2021 08:23 PM 

Don't Leave Her Waiting


01/07/2021 08:20 PM 

Broken Clocks

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