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01/09/2021 07:37 PM 

Current mood:  angry

Nobody takes the time to slow down and actually listen to you because your just not important enough to take their precious time. Doesnt it hurt when nobody knows the pain you're in so you just sit there in the dark and cry silently to yourself. I'm done promising not to leave because people can so easily give you a reason to. Our descions are not our own.

emo, sad, feelings,thoughts, scene


01/09/2021 07:21 PM 

Hello FP
Current mood:  adventurous

Excited to be on this platform! Always looking for new friends


01/09/2021 05:59 PM 

Current mood:  sad

Life is but a dream for the dead.


01/09/2021 03:47 PM 

Current mood:  grateful

living through quite the interesting time right now. Never thought I'd be moving again so soon and sharing a bedroom with my boyfriend. And also in an area that I'm very used to. My life went from the absolute f***ing worst to quite the best in my standards in maybe a years time? Which that's cool. Not complaining. I'm also trying a bunch of new things in the meantime. I never knew papaya tasted like vomit but now I do. Or having to get used to having dog hair on all my clothes. And not having any family around that I can talk to.It's also nice during this time to be able to enjoy the sunlight and not get sunburnt or hot really easily. I wanna move somewhere colder in the future I think  

mimi zzz

01/09/2021 05:10 PM 


back from roller blading, it was so fun!!! i waz going super fast :D


01/09/2021 04:37 PM 

Current mood:  content

No thoughts. Just Minecraft ambiant noises and Falling In Reverse lyrics


01/09/2021 08:38 PM 

Lol my mum trow a cooking knife at me lol
Current mood:  anxious

Lol, this remember me when my mum, when i was 8 my parents was divorcing and my mum take THE SAME KNIFE SHE USED TODAY, take the knife to my neck and said: if you leave im gonna kill him, my dad exited the house, my mum closed me in the bathrom for 2 days lol, she's a f***ing monster... when i go 18 im gonna leave this house (ps. yep my dad never come back lol i dont see him about 6/7 years... lol why im cryng xD im writing this only because i need to talk to someone, i need to stop complaining and shut up my stupid mouth lol sorry for annoyng..


01/09/2021 12:17 PM 

23 - The age I was when I took my first drink!
Current mood:  vibrant

     Ok, so I never drank alcohol before the age of 23. June 21, 2009 I was working at Cedar Point! It is one summer I will never forget! I made the schedule for my ride crew, so I made sure I got off at 1:30pm so I could go home and get ready for my big birthday! I knew I was gonna drink and get trashed! I had 3 days off, contracted (which saved me job but that is later in the story), just to anticipate a hangover or feeling awful!     So, I was in my dorm, getting ready! I wore a sparkly white dress that was a halter top! Oh the dress was gorgeous! I also had a pink phone case that had a rhinestone playboy bunny on it! That will be important later too! I got dressed, did my hair and makeup (which wasn't much, just eyeliner and gloss), and then headed over to my friend Talon's apartment. It was in the same area as my dorm. It was Cedar Point employee housing. He had a bunch of people over there already and that is where I learned about pre-gaming! They were taking shots of 151! There was one other girl there at the time, Stefani. Everyone was making a fuss about never seeing a girl take a straight shot of 151 without puking after. I kinda figured they were just saying that to get us to take a shot. I had no idea.     So Stefani and I took them up on that! We both took a shot. She actually puked! I felt like I wanted it, but I held it in. I played it off cool. No one knew I wanted to puke. I even talked myself up, drank about half of my coke and poured 151 in it so it was full again! I drank a few drinks and then it was time to stand up for something. Once I stood up, boy I was in a whirlwind! The room was spinning! At that point, I got a text from another friend to come to his room for something special. (He's gay so it wasn't sexual lol). He had some real absinthe! Cedar Point hires internationals and someone one was able to get in some absinthe. Let me tell you, it was gross! Even with the sugar! He told me it should taste like chocolate cake! NOT! Hahaha. I only took one shot.     I went back to my friend's apartment and we were playing games and drinking. Then, about 9pm, we went to our employee bar and we started dancing and drinking. People were buying me drinks and introducing me to different shots and cocktails! I remember at exactly 11pm, I was drinking a beer (I forget which one) and I looked at my watch. I remember saying, "Wow, it's only 11 o clock and I feel great!" That's the last thing I rememeber. I had blacked out!     The next thing I remember was sitting on a curb with a police officer asking me questions. My hands were folded together and every answer I gave, my head was nodding with every syllable. I remember thinking that I would not lie to the cops. I was beyond honest. I also remember my crew that I worked with standing behind the cops, and my team leader telling the cops she would get me to my bed safely and make sure I got to court. The cop had taken my work ID badge and I had to go to court the next morning to get it back.     So, they escorted me to my dorm and to bed. I woke up and had no idea what to wear to court. I was still in my dress. My roommate was getting ready for work and suggested that I just wear my work uniform. I was still very drunk! I wouldn't say hungover, because I know what that feels like now so I know I wasn't at the time. And the hangover hadn't started yet. I had no idea where the courthouse was so I went to work and asked my boss to drive me to court. He did, but said I had to figure out how to get home. I said ok, all that mattered to me was not being late for court.     Something to note is: I did not have my phone the morning of court. I had lost it at some point during the night at the bar! I get to court and the judge decides to go in alphabetical order. My last name began with Z. So it was going to be a loooooong morning. Thank goodness I didn't have to work that day! I ended up falling alseep in the court because I was still soooooo soooo sooooo drunk. I woke right up when I heard my last name, or the butchering of it. It's a long polish name. I stood up and walked up to the judge as requested. He asked me, "Was it worth it?" I replied, "All up until I was arrested!" SO he asked me to set my hands out, palms down. This was so weird lol but now it was so funny! I did as he asked, he slapped the tops of my hands gently, in a playful manner, and said, "Don't let it happen again!" He told me to pay a fine and I would be good to go. $92 dollars.     Now that was over, I had to figure out how to get home. I didn't have a phone. I didn't remember how I got there. And all the other Cedar Point employees that had to go to court as well were gone, since I was the last one to be called. I didn't know anyone in court either. So, I asked some random person if they knew where the dorms were and if they could point me in the right direction. They did and I began walking. It was a really hot day! The headache came instantly as I walked outside! The nausea! The icky feeling. It was the worst. It was a 3 mile walk back to the dorms in the hot steamy sun! Once I got home, I went to bed!     Once I woke up, I went to ask my friends what happened, because I had no clue. They told me that I was throwing money all over the dance floor. I was flashing the bartender, who wanted me to, for free drinks! That's when I lost my phone! No one knew if it had been found tho. They said once the bar closed, I was crawling around on the ground meowing at people. Then, we walked over the employee bridge that leads from the bar to the dorm parking lot. I had fallen and couldn't get myself back up. So that's when the cop found me and got me up and then sat me back down safely on the curb in the parking lot.     Almost 12 years later and I have never put myself in that position again. I always made sure I had someone to drive me to and from and that my friends wouldn't let that happen again. Or, I just didn't go out to drink and stayed inside in our dorm or apartment and drank! So much safer! I never got in trouble again!


01/09/2021 08:24 AM 

Current mood:  sleepy

so I guess some moving is going to be done today, not sure how that's gonna work out but should be interesting? am also finding out that the fp mobile site is so weird to use but w/e. might end up going back to sleep here in a bit.

mimi zzz

01/09/2021 04:01 AM 

so tired >_<
Current mood:  sleepy

waaah im so excited i cant sleep T_T i've just been looking at reelz all night while talking 2 anne :D


01/09/2021 01:02 AM 

New to FriendProject!!
Current mood:  optimistic

Hey guys!!Name's Em :)) short for Emily haha. So i'm new but I love everything!! Art, Music, astrology, crystals, meditation, spirituality, anike, shows, movies, also have a tumblr for 21+ stuff haha xx Hope I can find some cool mutuals 。・°°・(>_<)・°°・。

new user, friend, bunny, baby, poems, anime,


01/09/2021 12:34 PM 

new friends!!
Current mood:  accomplished

just made this page and now looking for new friends!!!

homestuck, mycts, anime,


01/08/2021 11:33 PM 


someone teach me how to change my page colors pls its so ugly rn and all the custom themes r horrifying 


01/08/2021 08:41 PM 

Current mood:  amused

Might as well make some use of this space if I can. How in the hell does a site like this exist in such a year? What do people do here? Why are you looking at this right now? That's all for now kay thanks bye! 

mimi zzz

01/08/2021 09:29 PM 


less than a week till im 14, so excited >_<my friend is drawing oc x canon for me, im so happy!!!

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