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01/09/2021 12:22 PM 


it was super cold today. maggie was super busy today. they started doing stuff at like 9 am and didnt finish until like 2 :o we tallked more about the stickers today, and maggie came up with some really good ideas to market everything. maggie put my cashapp name in a raffle to win a dollar:) i didnt win though, but it was really sweet of them. i wanted to share it with them. we talked for a little while, but they wanted to hear my mom and brother talk, so i went and sat in the living room so they could. it was a weird talk and maggie was making funny jokes, but my brother said some things about maggie that made me really mad. wee listened to the gta vice city radio and went to bed:)

mimi zzz

01/10/2021 08:41 PM 


i finally got the full bunny outfit in sky!!! now i can start working for the horns and get the phoenix wings ^_^


01/10/2021 05:42 PM 

Just bored
Current mood:  nostalgic

I'm just happy that this site exists lol... I have been nostalgic lots lately. Time flies by so fast. anybody else generally depressed? I miss being a kid and not being so stressed and I miss having friends to randomly hangout with, I feel so tied down with life now. I just miss being carefree and this website reminds me so much of simpler times. I wish time didn't go by so dang fast :( well sorry for the random babbling. Was bored and just felt like adding a blog hehe.  

Depression, nostalgic, sad, love, feels


01/10/2021 06:07 PM 

Current mood:  angry

i want to run away from home sooooo bad.  my family FAMILY?! ew no, the people who live with me are very toxic (welll most of them) and I SERIOUSLY HATE LIVING HERE and ig the only other place i could go to (if i had a plane ticket and if my mother allows it) is where my father lives and I ALSO HATE LIVING THERE he is also very toxic and i dont like him and i dont like the people who live with me either. UGGHHHH ig i just i have to keep up with this until im old enough to have a job and earn some money then run away T0T


01/10/2021 01:52 AM 

yknow what this bothers me
Current mood:  blah

i started thinking abt this a little and i was like. hm. kinda pisses me off a little. so here i am.something that rly irks me is when people talk about how "(social media website) is so toxic!" and for one reason primarily. on social media u can practically curate your experience Specifically to you and who/what u want to see. it is Literally up to you what you see. if someones posting something u dont like, unfollow them. u can follow, unfollow & block literally anyone u want. dont fault the website for hosting things u dont want 2 see. unless that something is actually illegal/dangerous/rulebreaking, then its 100% up to you what does & does not appear on ur feed.thts all. tht just bugs me when ppl say tht. like, bro. u get to choose lol.

rant, is this a rant??, idk,


01/08/2021 02:48 PM 


today was nice:) we talked for a bit while they were waiting to pick up their business cards from home depot. that was nice to talk for a bit. after that they ran a few more errands and then when they got home we started talking:) we talked while maggie made a pizza. it looked really good:) after that maggie helped me make a meal plan, and we planned out eeverything im gonna eat next week, so im gonna get em soon. maggie showed me their kitchen:) it was really nice, and they showed me their cooking stuff, and their spices, and oil it was really cute:) and then after that they showed me their corner of the house, and their closet:) they have some really cool stuff. maggie came up with a really good idea to make money :o were gonna sell pro trump stickers and make tons of money lol. it sounds like a good idea cus those people always buy tons of stuff. maggies gonna design the stickers too! theyre gonna look awesome ik it. 


01/10/2021 11:38 PM 

+*:ꔫ:*﹤hello friend project!! ゚﹥*:ꔫ:*+゚
Current mood:  excited

HELLOOOO!! this is my new account! i'm very very new so pls be nice >_<. if you wanted to read my abouts and things to get to know me a little bit that would be very cool !!!1! sorry i use exclaimations too much,, anyways.. i'm not very sure what i'll be posting here but if ur here at the moment.. helloooooooo!

mimi zzz

01/10/2021 02:13 PM 


attempting 2 make my profile prettier!!! pardon if it lookz messy :P

olliebug (fp veteran)

01/10/2021 01:42 PM 

scenemo quiz just cuz x_X

26. Big hair or big accessories? both!!! x_X 27. Did you ever have a MySpace? Do you still?  no sadly XmX 28. Want any emo/scene tattoos? yea!!! i'm getting the danger days spider on my left forearm, the hangman on my back, and the demolition lovers on my ribs ^_^ i'd also really like a bunch of lyrics ^^ 29. Have any emo/scene tattoos? i dunno if this counts, but i have a little stick-and-poke of a bat on my ribs 30. Do you like Furbies? i used 2 b absolutely obsessed with them XD 31. xD, Xd or XD? XD!!! xD sometimes >< 32. Do you like Care Bears? not really :< 33. Is Avril Lavigne a clone? X_X 34. Do you want fangs? who doesn't 35. Does emo/scenecore make you happy? yea!!!!! ^O^ 36. Have you dyed your hair? If so, what colours and how long ago? it's dyed black currently, and black is like my default/go-to, but I've also dyed it purple, red, and blue in the past ^^ 37. Do you want/have any piercings? i have 3 piercings on each ear, but i also really really want a septum, the left side of my nose, my left eyebrow, a bridge, and snakebites >< 38. Do you wish you were in a band? yea :o( being in a band is my dream!! i write music by myself but i don't post it anywhere 39. What Warrior Cats clan are you in? shadowclan obv 40. Is Gir annoying? NO!!!! 41. Have you ever played Imvu? nope 42. Are you a Killjoy or a Youngblood? killjoys forever ♥333 43. Do you have any emo/scene friends irl? kind of, not really </3 44. Who’s your favourite scene/emo blog? i dunno x_X 45. Do you wear Converse? yea!!! 46. Does “Rawr” mean “I love you” in Dinosaur? it can mean lots of different things obv :eyeroll: 47. Favourite Pokemon? obstagoon or luxray :3 48. Do you like Decora fashion? yea!! 49. Do you like Sparkle Dogs? YES :D


01/10/2021 12:41 AM 

Current mood:  animated

Hey Girlies, Gays, and Theys ♥!! I was too young  for the Myspace rush and nowwwwwwww....I can have fun on here XD!! I don't really know what to write about...*sigh*. I reckon i'll get the hang of this thing. Anyways, I'm looking for new friends on here. If anyone has anything in common with me, don't be shy! Message me plz!! Alrighty i'm gonna end this post now.See ya,Angel


mimi zzz

01/10/2021 01:22 PM 


i might change my icon to naib >_<

mimi zzz

01/10/2021 01:19 PM 


today iz the day i attempt to make my profile pretty

mimi zzz

01/10/2021 01:17 PM 

talking zzz

i rlly want 2 talk how i talk rn but im so self conscious 2 talk like dis on other places waaaahi might switch between how i talk o_o

mimi zzz

01/10/2021 01:13 PM 


waaah i suck at titlez :Pi rlly want 2 dress scene but i also want 2 dress victorian, waaah i wish i could pick a struggle x_x


01/09/2021 10:29 PM 

Random Thoughts
Current mood:  amused

I just got a new camera, it takes great photos so I'm hoping to get some really cute outfit shots!I'm rewatching Death Note right now, I forgot how dramatic it was. But I still think it's fun and I want to cosplay as Misa.I'm still working on my profile so I'm hoping it'll look cuter soon!

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