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Red Ruby Da Sleeze

02/16/2021 10:36 PM 

Current mood:  distraught

why r hot ppl adding me back  (⊙_⊙)


02/16/2021 10:36 PM 

Current mood:  blah

it took me forever to figure out what layout i wanted for my page...NOW I SEE EVERYONE WITH THE DEFAULT ONES- so i feel out of place 


02/16/2021 10:30 PM 

Current mood:  blah

when are women gonna take me serious, like girllll im tryna give you what you really need tf. 


02/16/2021 10:24 PM 

Current mood:  gallant

hai all my gays, gals and inbetweens- today were Gunna stalk attractive people while we feel sorry for ourselves and wonder why tf you couldn't look even half as dencent as the other people while our French teacher talks about Jesus. Dark humor jokes anyone??


02/16/2021 10:22 AM 

Im Bored:)
Current mood:  cookywacky



02/16/2021 09:36 PM 

Journal entry 1
Current mood:  awake

 Good morning lovelies :)With the start of covid it seems as if time has slowed down and everything has become so mundane. How do i fight this feeling of restlessness? how do i eradicate this feeling of loneliness? Everyday i go along with doing my silly little tasks and try to stay busy the best i can. No time to think, no time, no time to ponder my existance in this life.  Or the meaning for me being here. So Everyday i try to check in with myself and make sure im not being overwhelmed with my own thoughts. I hope all of you are checking in with yourself each day or even week.Finding daily goals to complete for yourself. Diving deeper into the way you feel at that very moment and the reason for why you are feeling that way. Anyway stay healthy lovelies ♥

everyday blog


02/16/2021 03:56 PM 

Current mood:  blah

someone pls play mc or roblox with me


02/16/2021 09:57 AM 

online school
Current mood:  bored

my science teacher is reviewing for our test


02/16/2021 07:50 AM 

A little bit about me
Current mood:  tired

Hi, my name is Ash, well thats my nickname atleast. I am bisexual/Pan in questioning. I love frogs and ferrets. I pretty much sleep all day, but when im not im watching tik tok, anime or watching my favorite show called supernatural. I am very antisocial therefore i have now irl friends. I do homeschooling. I only have online friends, but im looking for more friends that will have the same energy as me! :)


02/16/2021 09:38 PM 

Current mood:  sleepy

meeeh(Liam if you're seeing this , lets play abortion tycoon on roblox ♥)x3


02/16/2021 09:28 PM 

Current mood:  exhausted

Why is school so annoying 😩 like I just want to sleep and watch Netflix is that to much to ask 🥲


02/16/2021 08:57 AM 

kinda irritated
Current mood:  annoyed

I hate having to get up for school in the morning and then my overbearing ass parents want to bust in my room and yell if I don't like chill I'm gonna get up. and my teachers do the same sh*t ALL THE TIME so what's the point? I honestly don't care about anything but sleep and music right now.

#sleepy #wanthugs #music #sigh


02/16/2021 07:29 AM 

Current mood:  mellow

kinda just wanna be surrounded by all the sanario characters and just lie down and watch the stars 


02/16/2021 08:17 PM 

Current mood:  anxious



02/16/2021 08:18 AM 

im bored so friend me
Current mood:  bored

i hate school

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