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03/09/2021 09:25 AM 

zoom meetings

school f***in sucks man having to stare at a screen all f***ing day really tires you but its ok bc i get 2 days where i can literally go in the school lol


03/09/2021 08:32 AM 

Homophobes should pee their pants
Current mood:  annoyed

I don't get what super straights are getting out of trying to be part of our community like they didnt just hate crime someone. There's noting wrong about being straight it's THAT specific group of dumbasses that makes a mockery out of our LGBT community & wonder why everyone is "sTrAiGhTpHoBiC" & wonder why they can't find a decent person is cause them & their morals are sh*t. End of this blog super straights gave us super trauma for the past DECADES & aren't a part of our community. To our LGBT allies I love you all so much thank you so much for supporting us throughout the years you are so much appreciated ♥ (Fun fact: Super Straights were made up on 4 chan & was supposed to look like a Neo Nazi group so not only you are part of the "SuPeR sTrAiGhT" you are also a Neo Nazi supporter so you're homophobic AND a Neo Nazi supporter pick a struggle luv ♥).Racism won't solve your life problems if you support racism you are the problem please seek help.


03/06/2021 05:34 PM 

oingo boingo

today was a really nice day:) we chatted a lil bit throughout the mornin, and talked more about the show we watched last night that was amy sedaris kitchen i think. it was nice:) i got maggie a shaved ice, and we kind ate together which was cool, and then we played cod w their brother. maggie was trying out their brothers new phone. apparently its good, and nive but the screen isnt smooth enough :/ they like their phone better, which i think is good! we played cod at night but we played ranked by ourselves. they started to get a migraine so they went to bed, and i asked too many questions so they got mad at me :p


03/09/2021 12:56 PM 

Current mood:  annoyed

#hateschoolhows everyone??


03/08/2021 08:16 PM 

im lost as hell
Current mood:  confused

how do i use this omg


03/08/2021 11:06 PM 

hate him pt2
Current mood:  angry

I'm tired of him bro can he just die. maybe it would have been better if he got into a car crash. The bitch ass nigga still wonders why we don't talk like we do with her. He really waited for my baby brother to wake up so he could force my baby sister to hit him, just because they had A NORMAL SIBLING FIGHT! HE IS LITERALLY PROMOTING VIOLENCE TO THEM! He is teaching them that if someone messes with them they have to hit back. Ugh, can't wait till the day he acts surprised when one of them picks a fight in school. That'll be the day where I tell his ass off.  


03/08/2021 04:23 PM 

anyone wanna be friends?
Current mood:  blah

lately i've been pretty lonely; i'm not getting out of the house much or seeing too many people. every day sorta feels the same. i only really have a few close friends who i talk to.soooooo i'd like to make some new friends here. c: message me if you think we'd get along, i'd love to talk and i'm around a ton. ♥ 


03/08/2021 01:50 PM 

emo boys
Current mood:  flirty

is it just me or are emo boys fine asf now ???


Jassy <3

03/08/2021 01:12 PM 

I wanna leave this place
Current mood:  exhausted

sometimes I wonder if anyone would miss me if I just turned around and never looked back.  as if I just disappeared or fell off planet earth to never return. there's times where i just want to do that. just vanish out of thin air. 

#runaway #leave #lonely #anxiety


03/08/2021 12:23 PM 

Current mood:  annoyed

bruh my teacher making me write about soe time i had fun like girl do i look like i wanna do this , my back hurts cuz of these chairs , are you irl school or virtual , i perfur  irl school because i get to see my friends and get to leave my toxic house 



03/08/2021 11:03 PM 

Clearing up religion stufs :]

Sos i figure i should clear up m religion cuz fp dont have great options an religion is smth vvvv important to me so :pBasically, i been a practicin witch for about 5 years now and about a year and a half ago, i became a hellenic witch. around dat time i became a devotee of Dionysus. I stayed a devotee of him for almost a year, until we parted our seperate ways a few months ago.he's helped me through so so so so so much and has helped me find myself as a scenecoric bean and has been a sort of father figure for me in the time i was devoted to him and when i needed him most. my name was chosen in honour of him and no matter how much my parents beg me to change it, i wont. so to put it shortly, i am hellenic. and i take my religion very seriously. tnx for listen to m rant sorta thingy! i hope u all have nice day :] 

scene , scenix , scenecoric , hyperpop , glitchcore , Hellenic ,


03/08/2021 08:41 PM 

animal crossing uwu
Current mood:  lonely

currently looking for someone to make a fairy/cottage core village with me in animal crossing 

#animalcrossing #cottagecore #fairiesuwu


03/08/2021 05:26 AM 

real talk
Current mood:  headphones

my blog looks likew dogsh*t too tired to do this goodnight



03/08/2021 05:23 AM 

how d
Current mood:  sweaty

how do I work thisj h


03/08/2006 03:22 PM 

Music d(-_-)bఌ

Body: What are you listening to right now, if anything?YouTube gamer playing Donut County What’s the last song you listened to completely?I put a spell on you -- Alice Smith What is your favorite song?Kiln -- Hail Mary MallonAre there any songs that can or have made you cry?Orca -- until the ribbon breaks Do you have a shower playlist?Yes What about a bedtime playlist?NoHave any guilty pleasure bands or songs?I love the song Wobderwall for many reasons but it's super Cliché to like that song now bc of drunk white girls or whatever 🙄What’s one song or band you used to like but now dislike?Jesse McCartney -- Beautiful SoulWhat’s one song or band you used to dislike but now like?Aesop RockDo you sing along when you listen to music you like?Every damn time yep 😂

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