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. ∙ : ∙ ✧ alexa ✧ ∙ : ∙ .

03/17/2021 07:29 PM 

im so sorry another survey

stolen from kenny the simp btwHow old do you look?A: people say i look older just bc of my height n stuff but probably like 16?Where do you live?A: california, though i wished i lived in nycAre you waiting for something?A: yes. clothing packages :) i am v excitedWhat's one pet peeve of yours that is not common?A: i hate a lot of things lol mostly gum chewing, people sniffing in through their nose?? yk what i mean? like blow ur nose or something ewLast FriendProject message you recieved, what was it?A: someone please talk to meeCan you handle the truth?A: depends on what the truth is? igDid you cry today?A: noDo you hate the last person you had a conversation with?A: yes. my mother :/Do you have kids?A: no lolHave you ever thought about converting your religion?A: im atheistic so noLast shocking news you heard?A: um idk sorryLast person you hugged?A: idek havent hugged anyone recentlyWho do you look like most in your family?A: i dont really look like my parents at all but probably my dad?DId you dream last night?A: hmm i cant remember if i didHow many piercings do you have?A: 0. BUT I WANT SO MANYIf you could have something right now, anything, what would it be?A: piercings lolDoes anyone call you babe?A: um no. i find pet names kinda weirdWhere does most of your family live?A: california. like all of us live somewhere in the stateWhere did you grow up?A: california lolWhere do you want to go on vacation?A: london or paris or nycHave you broken a bone?A: nopeWhat did you recieve for Valentine's Day?A: nothingHave you ever had a panic attack?A: yesCan you sleep in jeans?A: yes, i dont, but i canWhat can't you wait for?A: idkWhen's the last time you told someone you loved them and meant it?A: umm... next questionHave your parents ever smoked pot?A: idk you'd have to ask them. my mom told me she had a bad experience with psychedelics once but they never really talk abt drugs with me so i wouldnt knowWant someone back in your life?A: yes yes yes yes yes. my old best friend god i miss her so much. i was so toxic to herDo you live near your most recent ex?A: i dont have an exAre you good at giving directions?A: nope im so bad actually lolWhat do you order at the bar?A: lemonade :D bc im underageWhen was the last time you cried really, really hard?A: probably a few weeks ago. existential dread been getting to me recentlyWho was your last text from?A: my motherEver licked someone's cheek?A: no. huhWhat is your favorite thing to eat with peanut butter?A: nothing, just straight peanut butterWhere were you on July 4th?A: hating americaWhat body part(s) do you wash first in the shower?A: hmmm i think armsHave you ever kissed anyone whose name started with a D?A: havent kissed anyoneDo you prefer warm or cold weather?A: COLD WEATHER SUPREMACYWhat do you currently hear right now?A: my cat's water fountain lolDoes someone like you right now?A: how would i know? but probably noCould you go out in public looking like you do now?A: nope im in pajamasWhat are your nicknames?A: i dont have any i wish i did tho. alexa has no good nicknames. like lexi??? seriously??On the opposite sex where do you like them to have piercings?A: nose piercings on everyone dude. or eyebrow piercingsIf you could go to any place in the world right now where would you go?A: NEW YORK CITYYYHave you ever made someone so mad they broke something?A: my mom smashed my ukulele one timeHave you ever kissed someone and hated it?A: never kissed anyoneWhat is your favorite color?A: blue. basic but its trueIf you could go back in time, how far would you go?A:  2009 baby


03/17/2021 05:32 PM 

random thoughts
Current mood:  blank

do parents ask "how was youre day?" anymore like mom no im not okay im suicidal but you didnt ask all week so im not going to tell you. 


03/17/2021 04:26 PM 

Current mood:  cheerful

I just saw this really pretty group of friends at the mall and OMG I either wish I was them or wish I was dating one of them


03/17/2021 01:03 PM 

Pop-up layout pic tutorial

Hewo hoomans! Today I'm teaching y'all how to make these "pop-up" images I have on my profile :DAll you need is this code! I'll explain where to put everything just in a moment<img src="(insert image link here)" style="position:absolute;top:(insert coordinate)px;left:(insert coordinate)px;" width="(insert image width)" height="(insert image height)" border=0 alt="(a word)">So, let's get started!1.Image link: Search some picture you like and copy its link. If the picture you want to use in on your pc and not on the internet upload the picture to a webpage and copy the link (I recommend using imgur).The code would look like this:<img src="; style="position:absolute;top:(insert coordinate)px;left:(insert coordinate)px;" width="(insert image width)" height="(insert image height)" border=0 alt="(a word)">2.Coordinates: This one is a bit tricky.Next to top: write a number according how far from the top you want your image to be (For example, if you want it near to the top write something like 1px and if you want it far write 800px). Don't forget to write "px" after the number.Next to left: The same as with top, but this time the position will change according to the left (For example, if you want the image to be near the left write 1px and if you want it far write 800px).The code looks like this now:<img src="; style="position:absolute;top:10px;left:20px;" width="(insert image width)" height="(insert image height)" border=0 alt="(a word)">3.Width and height: For this you will need to know the dimensions of the picture you are using, you can look at them by downloading the picture(in case you don't have it on your computer already), pressing right click on the file, clicking properties and clicking the details tab. Then write the width and height on the picture on the code. In case that it is too big, you can make the picture smaller by dividing the dimension by some number (for example, if you divide the dimension by 2, the will one half smaller than before).The code now looks like this:<img src="; style="position:absolute;top:10px;left:20px;" width="220" height="165" border=0 alt="(a word)">4. Key word: This step isn't really necessary, but I really recommend to do it. Just insert a key word for your picture there. This is really useful in case your layout has lots of this images. You can press Ctrl+F to make a search bar appear when you are editing your layout to find a specific image code easier.The final code looks like this:<img src="; style="position:absolute;top:10px;left:20px;" width="220" height="165" border=0 alt="cute picture">The last step is to copy the code and paste it somewhere on your profile!

profile, pimpmyprofile, pimp-my-profile, editor, costumization, resources


03/17/2021 11:22 AM 

Reddit scares me
Current mood:  nervous

I bought clip studio paint and I can't even use it because I'm a silly goose and accidentally disassembled my tablet pen  Pen springs As you can see, there are two springs. They go in the eraser. When I took it apart the one that is circled, the bigger spring, rolled off of my desk and fell on to the floor and I can't find it. I need to ask on a Wacom forum what the dimensions of this spring are so I can buy one and fix my pen.that's way easier said than done. Reddit is scary and I don't even know how I'm going to word my question T~T

Drawing, Wacom, Reddit, help


03/17/2021 10:44 PM 

worth :D
Current mood:  grateful

hey. you are enough. more than enough. don't ever think or get discouraged when someone tells you your worthless. because you're simply not. you are amazing in every way possibe. sure you might have things about yourself you need to work on but that is the journey of living. learning to love yourself. treasure yourself. don't let go of yourself okay? i know it may be hard but you got to push through or else you will be a hamster in a neverending wheel. daily reminder: i'm proud of you and you should be too :-D and smile!!! even if you feel depressed or frustrated, if you smile asnd think about the good things you have, your anxiety will disapate. keep working hard!                                                                                                  love, vex ♥---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                       i post things like motivations blogs, poems, short stories, and rants:D thanks, feel free to sub! 

motivation, poems, love, encouragement,


03/17/2021 12:47 AM 

thinkt bout
Current mood:  aroused

thinkin about cheesecake factory smores cheesecake



03/16/2021 09:21 PM 


O O N ORDER OF NEW like New World Order WCW AEW Hollywood Hogan get signed by the help of Sting.


03/16/2021 09:16 PM 


anyone else is in a good mood then your dad comes homewish i could say i was joking


03/16/2021 08:18 PM 

Current mood:  blah

life sucks :( 

ur mom :D

03/16/2021 07:12 PM 


(TW: Food). I cant stop binge eating ever since my mom went. I've become so careless, but I wanna be ok again. I feel so confused. Not alone but, confused. My best friend of 5 years hast met me ever since summer holidays have ended. She always gets a new boyfriend. I don't understand. I know she doesn't do it for love. She does it, because she likes being in relationships. I hate her boyfriend obsession. I hate 2020. It ruined everything for me. My mom is gone, my best friend is gone, my weight increased and I feel miserable. So much stress is on my shoulders. All I wanna do is escape. All I want is someone to understand but they dont. Nobody notices and it makes me sick. Am I an attentionwhore or plain desperate? I just feel so lost. Everything happened at once and now I'm confused. In summer, were gonna visit relatives in turkey. I wanna lose weight until then. I'm gonna walk 10.000 steps, not eat after 6pm and mianly try to fill myself with fruits and vegetables. Today I walked 10.000 steps which I was really proud of but ended up binging. Tomorrow I'm gonna cut the sugar, walk and hope I'll be perfect by summer. Please don't associate this with me though. These are only my thoughts. I only know a perfect version of myself, but for everyone it's different and everyone expects something different, I love you, ok? Don't harm yourself, You don't deserve that. 


03/16/2021 05:05 PM 

fighting the overwhelming urge to watch movie series and shows in one day
Current mood:  crazy

OH MY GOD do u guys know how tempting it is to just lock urself in ur room n just watch movies all day. god i need to do that one day soon. ive been wanting to binge the most random series recently. maily all the cars movies and the tinker bell movies. don't even ask. i think its just bc i want to feel like a kid again. and don't even get me started on star wars. ive seen the movies so many times but they're still so great i swear. even the bad ones, like the phantom menace and solo. i shouldn't say that about solo. (hmu donald glover) i cant even tell u how many times i have watched the mandalorian. too many, yet somehow still not enough. chapter 15 in particular. i don't know if i can physically wait for season three. or the book of boba fett. YEAH CAN WE TALK ABOUT BOBA FETT FOR A QUICK MINUTE????? god DAMN temeura morrison is FINE AS F***. if u told me a year ago that i'd be simping over a 60 year old man, i'd laugh. but DAMN that man is, as previously stated, FINE AS F***. or that i'd be simping over a green alien lady. (hera. milf.)anyways yeah star wars is fun. don't let the h8rs online make u not like it. escaping to movies is fun.ALSO THIS PHOTO !!!!! 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵 LET ME SIT ON YOUR LAP. fennec looks fine asf here too.

thoughts, star wars, movies

myah <3

03/16/2021 05:06 PM 

cuz actually
Current mood:  blank

school is actually the hardest sh*t ever :/

lanayah is swag

03/16/2021 05:07 PM 

im in painnnn
Current mood:  ashamed

i just looked on my scool website and i have 120 missing assignments so that cool i guess


03/16/2021 03:15 PM 



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