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03/18/2021 09:54 PM 

Current mood:  depressed

i hav so many missing assignments </3


03/19/2021 12:03 PM 

Current mood:  amused

Hi my friends!I'm LIVING THE DREAMaka living in 2008 when this was MySpace and popularbefore facebookbefore twitterbefore insteagrambefore snapchatthis was the stepping stone into social media madness SOwelcome to my quarter life crisisxoxo Cas



03/18/2021 11:42 PM 

tee hee
Current mood:  bouncy

I'm a funny lil bastard hehe


03/18/2021 12:04 PM 

i hate it here
Current mood:  jedi

hay besties!


03/18/2021 10:44 PM 

Current mood:  annoyed

ughhh school is such a pain ! like I'm ready for summer to be here...this summer is going to be me having fun and being free. I probaly will get in trouble tho..... oh well its worth it cause 2020 up till now has been so boring and dreadfull tbh. and yess I know covid is still going on I'm still going to wear my mask of couse I'm just going to be more social . what do you I should do the first day of summer ?

#sooverit #whatsnew


03/18/2021 08:43 PM 

Something happened
Current mood:  anxious

   I don't really understand what's going on with my parents but my mom is crying for some reason. My dad is in Illinois right now so he could find a new place for us to live. I'm glad because I hate small cities, I love big cities like Cali, NYC, Illinois, etc. But anyways my mom is crying while talking to my dad on the phone. She keeps repeating the same word "gene" or "jean" Either way she's crying. My 2 guesses are why she's crying from my knowledge is that my dad stole my mom's money or my dad cheated on her. Right now I'm believing is that my dad stole from her. They're on the phone right now. UGH I hate my parents they always fight and they still believe that they're meant for each other JUST DIVORCE! As much as I want them to divorce, but they're the only people who understand each other.


03/18/2021 03:06 PM 

room n tats ramble

been wanting to get more tattoos for awhile now, but allas jess is still broke. hopefully my mom gives me my stimulus money this time instead of wasting it all in a month. like if it's my money at least let me do that yk? anyway, whenever i find myself drifting off in a daydream i always think about what i wanna do with my room. i still have so many plans for it (just like my tats) and i can't wait for the days where i can start making those images a reality. don't get me wrong i love piecing my room together little by little and see the progress, but as we all know by now patience is my worst virture. i need to enter one of those room makeover sweepstakes or something. do they still make those? nevertheless, maybe in another post i'll go into detail about my plans, but i don't want any of ya'll stealing my ideas smh. im just kidding no one reads these. maybe that's for the best. ok im gonna go fantasize/get jealous over my pintrest board now. peace.

need to post b4 my pc dies, bedroom, tattoos, uh that's it i'm in a hurry


03/18/2021 05:01 PM 

ugh i dont know what to do
Current mood:  blank

i dont want to do my hw so i am wasting time on here lmao



03/18/2021 04:04 PM 

burn u rotten wh0res
Current mood:  cranky

u fokers actually have to be active on herre



03/18/2021 06:41 PM 

chill type beat x
Current mood:  refreshed

stolen x How old do you look? A: people say 15-16 because of my height (i agree!) Where do you live? A: londonn Are you waiting for something? A: yup!! my aliexpress package, but who isn't. What's one pet peeve of yours that is not common? A: Last FriendProject message you recieved, what was it? A: from friendproject lol Can you handle the truth? A: yup, id prefer it Did you cry today? A: no Do you hate the last person you had a conversation with? A: jhasmine and princey Do you have kids? A: absolutely not Have you ever thought about converting your religion? A: yes!! i kinda wanna covert to Islam but rn im agonistic Last shocking news you heard? A: the royal shi Last person you hugged? A: friends? Who do you look like most in your family? A: both my mum and dad :) Did you dream last night? A: ion remeber How many piercings do you have? A: i had 7 but took out my two cartaliges and belly ring If you could have something right now, anything, what would it be? A: piercings lol Does anyone call you babe? A: um my dad and sometimes mum (i hate it) Where does most of your family live? A: idk lol Where did you grow up? A: pfft Where do you want to go on vacation? A: idk i kinda hate holidays Have you broken a bone? A: no What did you recieve for Valentine's Day? A: nun Have you ever had a panic attack? A: two or three in my life (i hate them) Can you sleep in jeans? A: deffo not. What can't you wait for? A: my packages man When's the last time you told someone you loved them and meant it? A: erm Have your parents ever smoked pot? A: idk what pot is but my dad smoked ouid Want someone back in your life? A: he's so toxic and doesn't like me tho lol Do you live near your most recent ex? A: kinda lol Are you good at giving directions? A: NO LOOOOL What do you order at the bar? A: water maybe idk When was the last time you cried really, really hard? A: last wednesday x Who was your last text from? A: prince Ever licked someone's cheek? A: no... What is your favorite thing to eat with peanut butter? A: ew. Where were you on July 4th? A: no idea What body part(s) do you wash first in the shower? A: legs/ upper body depends lol Have you ever kissed anyone whose name started with a D? A: i acc have lol Do you prefer warm or cold weather? A: idc What do you currently hear right now? A: welcome to brixton :) Does someone like you right now? A: prob Could you go out in public looking like you do now? A: nah What are your nicknames? A: fee fee, feeqs, fee, feeqah, feeqs, raf If you could go to any place in the world right now where would you go? A: back in time bro Have you ever made someone so mad they broke something? A: yes, prob my mother lol Have you ever kissed someone and hated it? A: he lit sucked my lips What is your favorite colors? A: black, pink, blue, red, white If you could go back in time, how far would you go? A: start of year 1? (2012)


03/18/2021 02:28 PM 

first blof
Current mood:  bored

heyyy to whoever reads this. how yall day going? ya doing good? 



03/18/2021 06:13 PM 

chill type beat x
Current mood:  chill

vibing to some music as i should, chillin ♥


03/18/2021 01:41 PM 

Current mood:  blah



03/18/2021 01:33 PM 

garlic powder onion powder chili powder should not be used

garlic powder onion powder chili powder should not be used it tenses up my diaphram and i cant continue sleeping in the morning did a bathe triedm did and tv TV  and turned t off early morning and went back to sleep for hour or so


03/18/2021 12:58 PM 

moderna and pfizer should be one dose

I'm begging the vaccine moderna and pfizer become one dose one shot one jab injection now by in  well i said now though by tomorrow or a couple or phew days please.

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