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03/20/2021 11:43 PM 

dumbass neighbor
Current mood:  amused

My neighbor came out to me as homophboic and called this kid a faggot, she doesnt even know im pan lol.

#gay #lol


03/21/2021 10:35 PM 

i'm very bored
Current mood:  awake

i have no idea why im bored im playing mincraft ♥  .....   



03/20/2021 07:47 PM 

George B. Swift elementary school. p1
Current mood:  mad

    My dad said we are living in the same place we did before we moved to Texas. So yeah I  searched up the same school I used to go to and do you know what I just found out. It's a school where all 1st- 8th graders are all in 1 school. I f***ing hate that idea so much why would I want to be paired up with those kindergartners, I hate that idea so f***ing much. So I did some more research and that school looks like a strict ass school. They don't even have a football team only soccer or their own Instagram page that keeps up with all the events that are happening in the school. That school looks like it belongs to special needs kids. And I am nowhere near special. I just know this school sucks ass. It looks depressing as hell too. If I found out that nothing fun happens in that school, I'm switching to online school during covid and wait till I go to high school. I'm really hoping that the next year I go to high school it's more fun and has a lot more opportunities and clubs than this suck-ass school. And if Chicago sucks in general and they are no cute guys for me to have crushes on and no sports games like these Texas schools, I'm killing myself, HARD. I just now realized Texas is better than any other state. I like how texas still does what it used to do during covid. I just don't like drama-free, and mostly happy schools in general lol. That school looks lame and I'm hoping high school in Chicago is SO MUCH BETTER>


03/20/2021 06:44 PM 

This site feels kinda rural(?)
Current mood:  sleepy

Wish this place was more active tbh :<


03/20/2021 02:50 PM 

Current mood:  anxious

I forgot i have school on monday and now im terrified lol but only 3 more months including this month till summer break! 


03/21/2021 02:22 AM 

Current mood:  peaceful

idk wtf this is but its  cool  lols 📟🔩🪄🪅🪞


03/20/2021 04:45 PM 

Instagram moots

everyone drop ur ig so i can add you and i can have new online friends :)) luv u all



03/20/2021 04:45 PM 

Instagram moots

everyone drop ur ig so i can add you and i can have new online friends :)) luv u all



03/20/2021 01:03 AM 

Current mood:  drunk

i want to get moer drunk but i have no more alc :((



03/20/2021 03:39 PM 

It's been over a month since my dad died
Current mood:  melancholy

Well it's been over a month. Dealing with the sudden shock of m,y father passing away right in front of me while I was visiting him in hospital. Having to notify family. All of us crying together and talking about the old times. Organising a funeral. Attending the funeral. Talking with family and friends about our favorite memories of him, about hard times he went through and overcame, about how he had been such a smart, witty and intelligent man all his life until he suddenly developed dementia overnight and became delusional, childlike and dependent and needed me for everything. How he deserved so much better than the hand life dealt him.In addition to all the above I have had to deal with my difficult and demanding boss at work. My job with long hours and low pay plus more and more demands being put on me by my money grubbing boss. Coming home at the end of the long day and dad not being there. Depression, anxiety, frustration, anger. I have had a whole range of emotions to deal with and I have not enjoyed it. I hate feeling. I prefer to feel nothing.I don't really believe in an afterlife, but I can't help but wonder. Maybe dad is in a better place. Maybe he is concious and happy, but I doubt it. Either way he is definately no longer suffering, and I take some comfort in that.

𖤐 𝖆𝖏 𖤐

03/20/2021 03:28 PM 


his words flowed like the calm waves of a river. and he could keep me attentive for hours. his long blonde hair, which he swore was brown  was gratifying to my eyes. his captivating smile which i fell in love with so quickly was like no other he learned me. learned what i loved, what i hated. it was seemingly effortless. our relationship was a summer day tranquil and joyous. i had become immersed in every part of him. and him, me.  until the river became intense. those once calm waves turned violent. he began to manipulate every ounce of my being because he learned me.  our relationship turned rigid. i was then merely an item, used for his own pleasure. i knew if i had objected to the treatment, he’d leave forever. i had not yet lost hope, but i should have. i should have. i should have saved myself, released myself from his grip, despite the pain because little did i know that pain would’ve been exceptional, compared to the numbness and loss of self i would soon endure. before i knew it, his words that flowed like the waves that beautiful blonde hair, which he swore was brown and his captivating smile, which i fell in love with so quickly, too quickly. It all became memories. of a person who became a stranger. and a relationship that became insufferable.  



03/20/2021 02:32 PM 

Current mood:  worried

Something tells me, I shouldn't have done that. Now I'm worried, what if something goes wrong. If it does they'll know who to blame, ME!


03/20/2021 01:41 PM 

Current mood:  angry

wanna cut my hair again after someone made a comment abt it >:|


03/19/2021 11:43 PM 


fart ?


03/19/2021 11:06 PM 

muy santo
Current mood:  cultured

im bored + Idk how to feel cultured but kissing scares me. It's literally disgusting

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