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03/22/2021 09:20 PM 

Current mood:  enlightened

Tonight I sat beneath the stars. The stars, the moon and the orb travelling the sky. I watched (again) Fallen Angels - "It would be great if it could rain forever." I love to listen to the rain, it helps me sleep, sometimes. 


03/22/2021 05:22 PM 

Cuz I said so!! lol

i cut off guys on my phone i hav no interst in sinc im takin now but my bf b lyk, babe, srsly, ur hot n i b lyk thx! ♥ but nyway bout 2 get my own plac, tired of stayin w/ ppl who fite all day n i hav ptsd n cant do this so bai!


03/22/2021 12:44 PM 

Current mood:  curious

Today I read about JTAG extraction, Quantum teleportation,The Global Brain and Transhumanism. I am reading a guide to butterflies and moths - my favorites within the guide are Papilio Machaon, Delias Mysis, Lysandra Bellargus (Adonis Blue ☆) Aentus Eximius, Actias Luna, Bombyx Mori, Ennomos Subsignaria, Chlorocoma Dichloraria, Alcides Zodiaca and no doubt more. I would like a butterfly garden, with honeysuckle and moonflowers, baby blue eyes and magnolias, it would be very sweet.


03/22/2021 10:20 PM 

Current mood:  blah

im in school right now (i go in-person) and it sucks man, one of the outlets in my math class is burnt                                                                                                                                                  00                                                                                                                                                 ------


03/22/2021 11:36 PM 

Im very tired so to stay awake im talking abt pray 4 the wicked
Current mood:  blah

.                                         this thingy ma jig is made purely for not falling asleep in the middle of class.K so I got into p!atd around the time pray for the wicked came out at the time i thought it was a pretty good album, but after re litsening to it i think its pretty mediocre. Most of the songs were pretty forgetable and kind of manifaactured if you get my drill, it did have some catchy / good songs like "king of the clouds" and "roaring 20's".Over all the album is pretty bland in my opinion.


03/01/2003 03:01 AM 

hee hee ho Ho ha ha
Current mood:  silly

i see good fun

⪩ ◡◡ pyrr 。

03/22/2021 07:24 PM 


AO3 MIRROR : DISSOCIATION (DEPERSONALIZATION/DEREALIZATION), MENTIONS OF TAXIDERMIED/DEAD ANIMALS  It's like a big question mark was put over everything.    The world made sense once. But now it doesn't. It's a blurry, senseless mess.   Like looking through a fisheye lens that warps the colors and shapes. Everything blends and meshes together into this mess of color that's so bright and painful to look at, yet drowned like it was submerged in the murkiest of rivers.   Dead. Things just look dead, like every last inch of soul was pulled out and suspended in the hazy air. Shapes warp and snap apart. Shadows take new shape, forming figures in the haze. Glitches caught by the dull eyes of plastic looking fish all around.   It feels like a fish tank.   Plastic. Blurry. Fake.    Eyes burning into the soul, catching every last sense. Gripping. Pulling. Tearing into it and devouring the glittery, rotten insides infested with maggots. Meat pulled through a hole in the wall and replaced by glittery nonsense and fish.   It's all just fish.    There's light shining in their eyes. Bright and blinding. Pink.   Meat rots, stench fills what should be air. What had been air. It slips into fragile lungs and burns. No matter how hard you try to get it out, every inhale sucks more of the acidic liquid in, and in, and in. Heavy. Lungs heavy and it feels like floating.   Dead fish.    Dead birds.     Dead everything.   All preserved in jars. Neat labels written out. Color drains, leaving behind only grays and dull light.    Are they really even fish anymore?   Bright bones, all stained pink and cyan. Suspended in liquid. There's no flesh, only skeletons held together by what had once been their bodies. All labeled.   Salmon.   Tetra.   Sebastes.     Dead eyes.   Fish eyes.     It melded together. Burned into one memory.   You can't breathe.   You're one of them now.     Preserved in a jar, observed. Dead on display. Somebody is watching you now. There's red eyes, warped and shining through the dullness.   Tap.   Tap.             Things slowly focus.   You aren't in a jar anymore.     Limbs return feeling, pins and needles prick into your hands and travel up your spine. Hands up your spine, dragging clammy fingers along each vertebrae.    There's a hand on... Your shoulder.   Tapping.   Rhythmic, consistent.     Tap.     Tap.     Tap.      "--ro?"   Dave's voice. It's soothing, in a way. Maybe he is there, isn't just some fever dream.   "Sup?"   That wasn't your voice. Or maybe it was, you can't remember anymore anyway.     "You've been standing here for like, twenty minutes, dude. I get you don't like that sh*t but it's getting creepy having you just like, standing there staring at 'em."     Shelves filled with objects. DVDs, figures, odds and ends. But then there's just… Jars. Some filled with common objects; paper stars, sand, shells. Others, filled with death. Two baby birds, nestled together and suspended. Fish. Stained pink and cyan.   Their eyes are watching you again.   They're always watching, aren't they.     "Can't I just admire the quantity of dead sh*t you've collected? It ain't even ironic anymore, you just like this crap."


03/22/2021 03:39 AM 

Current mood:  peaceful

brooo you gotta litsien to sad Lofi at 3 am its just a mood ♥ 



03/21/2021 11:16 PM 

Current mood:  flirty

i just fell in love with somene i just met! I STIM SO HARD WHEn HE MESSAGES ME I LOVE HIM BYE


03/21/2021 09:47 PM 

Goodbye Texas
Current mood:  happy

   I just realized this is going to be my last blog writing here in Texas. My dad is back from Illinois and yeah It's official we're moving on Tuesday and tomorrow is my last day of school.  I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be an emotional day. I know I said I am not going to miss anybody and I hate my friends but deep down I'll miss everyone. I'll miss the last 4 years I had in this place. I really didn't do anything but just cheer everyone on from home. I'll miss all my teachers especially my 6th-grade year. That was the best year I had, it was so much filled with drama and hot boys. That was also the year I had a little confidence in myself. I've made many mistakes while living here so it's needed that I have to move for a fresh start. I'm especially going to miss this 8th-grade year. This year was fun, I wish I stayed long enough for me to get a yearbook. I'm still going to keep my tabs on Dumas ISD, So I could see if I could order my yearbook. If not then that's okay I still have memories in my head.    I really hope is still around so I could read all these blogs when I'm older. I'm really hoping the schools in Chicago id not as bad from what I've read.    The best friends I had through the whole last 4 years.: Monicah Mijack, SaHeeDaBee, Kailey Kelsey, Shamim Kabengenyi, Meagan Encinias, Lesley Garcia, Gisselle Lopez.   The biggest crushes I had the last 4 years: Jacob Shackelford, Imanol Marquez, Xzavian Sartain. Medium crushes I had: Ezven Venzor, Johnny Marquez, Kennon Walker, Joel Lozoya, Gisselle (Emiret) Beltran. ( She was hot okay)  I just realized this is going to be the last night I use this Chromebook                                                  CRINGE WARNING ALERT. Dear Chromebook you have always been good to me and always will be the best device to watch movies hope the next owner treats you well. 


03/21/2021 05:53 PM 


i f***ing hate people >3


03/21/2021 12:43 PM 

Current mood:  anxious

I have school tmr 


03/20/2021 09:09 PM 

The internet is a vastness and lawless void, really it's just a group of subsections in subsector groups policing other weaker groups who don't know whats going on and who don't question a thing


03/21/2021 12:57 PM 

tired & sadzzzzzz
Current mood:  anxious

saw this rly .pretty black kat today >.< i think it wazz a demon n took my soul o.O gna covr myself in jelly nowww


03/20/2021 11:43 PM 

dumbass neighbor
Current mood:  amused

My neighbor came out to me as homophboic and called this kid a faggot, she doesnt even know im pan lol.

#gay #lol

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