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03/26/2021 10:10 AM 

Current mood:  fascinated

I am reading Plasma Astrophysics, later in the day I am sure i will find myself writing poetry. 


03/25/2021 09:05 PM 

Current mood:  restless

I'm back after a long while, this year has been insane, awful and good all at the same time, I've made new friends,lost friends, lost pets, lost opertunities, gotten new pets, I'm 17 and a half now, thats insane and scary, I really dont love the idea of turning 18, I'm so behind on school I'm going to have to work super hard if I want to get my GED, I'm really restless about that tonight.My parents are buying me a car soon, one thats much more expensive than I ever expected, a red 2010 Subaru Forester with a moon roof, I'm really exited and I hope I can get my license soon, all I want is a bit more freedom. I met a girl on Yubo and we've been talking for a couple weeks and I really like her, she lives about an hour away but she can drive to come visit, i hope that happens soon.I really need to get more motivated I need to get my life on the right track and fast or else I'm scared for myself.thats all I have the energy to say. 


03/25/2021 09:49 PM 

idk anymore
Current mood:  crazy

i feel like im going insane like no one ever listens to me anymore or pretends like i dont exist its driving me up the f***ing wall i cant anymore♥

invisible, high, thinking


03/25/2021 09:37 PM 

I hate school
Current mood:  anxious

LOL, Tomorrow I have a chemistry exam and I didn´t do any homework hahahaha, I have the feeling that I am going to fail and my mother is going to scold me


03/25/2021 09:07 PM 

school sucks
Current mood:  worried

i think ima fail school dam i cant pass math class

#school # highschool


03/25/2021 07:08 PM 

Flower crowns

ive ended up with a lot of these over the years!! can you guess which ones the oldest???


03/25/2021 03:16 PM 

Current mood:  distressed

dude this sh!t sucksssss i hate L.Ai swear that the teahcer just wants us to like not like the class on purpose because i really dont like it lol 


02/14/2021 02:02 AM 

Current mood:  melancholy

"True Love Will Find You in The End" - I hope, Daniel. 


10/20/2020 05:20 AM 

Current mood:  fascinated

I am beginning to write in the celestial alphabet. 


12/23/2020 09:30 PM 

Current mood:  fascinated

I read more into liminality, I appreciate the ambiguous atmosphere greatly. I learned of the Atlas Personality, which is something i see within my self, for long have I carried the weight of the world on my shoulders. I learned of ephemerality, which led me to the conclusion that particular beings once in my life were, ephemeral. I watched Monterey Bay Aquarium (per usual) - the blanket octopus is beautiful! Sea angels are my favorite. 


09/05/2020 11:11 AM 

Current mood:  blessed

Sava is a beautiful being, I wish kindness and love within her life. 


03/25/2021 02:05 PM 

friggin language arts :/ eww
Current mood:  indescribable

dude why tf is my language arts teacher so annoying??and like why did my friend havea full on argument with this one dude over why the 97% is not something to joe about? this stupid school :/


02/14/2021 06:30 PM 

Current mood:  electric

I wil save for the sky-blue Impalas (cute!) I am going to blade to the melodies, with the ocean in view, and time all to myself. 


03/25/2021 04:33 PM 

luv u <3
Current mood:  okay

I need someone to tell me why all the people here is so beautiful and look like gods, anyway, i think i fell in love, LMAO ♥

vinny <333

03/25/2021 02:23 PM 


Doing this 4 a school project!!! Yall are welcome to addme though :)

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