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𝚎𝚖𝚎 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚒𝚎

03/31/2011 09:49 PM 

wow it has been so long

i haven't posted here in quite a long time,, i honestly thought this profile would have been deleted :D but hiiiiiii. i miss my friends here and i think i lost my bf D:



03/31/2021 06:24 PM 

Current mood:  blah

At the moment im listening to Forever Dumb by Surf Curse

umm idk


03/31/2021 09:23 PM 

It's a bop yall go check out my friends music

Old MySpace

03/31/2021 09:14 PM 

When approving "friend" requests.

I do take a rather long time to approve new "friend" requests, for this I apologise. I am not trying to appear rude or ignore anyone rather I am attempting to keep requests orderly. Also I like to have a chance to check out the requestor's own site to make sure that they are indeed "real" and not a guise for distributing hate, marketing schemes, political rancor, or other such spam. This also is to make sure that no one of questionable character or criminal behaviour gets approved. Approval of requests are by no means an endorsement of the views or opinions expressed by others.  Other than that, I usually do approve requests and more than welcome them.


03/31/2021 07:46 PM 

my fav p!atd lyrics
Current mood:  blessed

fav p!atd lyrics because i love their A Fever You Cant Sweat Out and Pretty. Odd. album"Everything goes according to planI'm the new cancer, never looked better, you can't stand itBecause you say so under your breathYou're reading lips, when did he get all confident?Haven't you heard that I'm the new cancerNever looked better and you can't stand it" - There's A Good Reason WHy These Tables Are Numbered"Is it still me that makes you sweat?Am I who you think about in bed?When the lights are dim and your hands are shaking as you're sliding off your dress?" - Lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking off her clothes"Well I may have faked itAnd I wouldn't be caught deadD-dead, d-dead, d-dead in this place" - but its better if you doim starting to get lazy so.. *insert every song from the pretty. odd. album* lolz :P


03/31/2021 06:56 PM 


give me clout immediately >:(instagram: ohifonlyyouknew twitter: ohifonlyyouknew discord: oh if only you knew #3964


03/31/2021 02:24 PM 

Last hour
Current mood:  breezy

Currently in my last class, excited to leave


03/31/2021 01:51 PM 

car headache
Current mood:  unhappy

Aw man i have just the worst headache right now... I shouldn't have went into that car


03/31/2021 10:39 PM 

Current mood:  annoyed

currently in PE. school is fun when it's not this class, LA, or digital design. so basically the only fun classes are math, science, and world history. 


03/31/2021 01:27 PM 

Current mood:  blah

It's my birthday today! I didn't really want to do anything since ive been depressed lately, but my mother insisted to drag me out to go to the Botanical Gardens. I'm in class now feeling a bit blah since i just left from a car, but i guess i have some time to breathe now that my mother went out to get groceries. I told her already that i just wanted to rest today, but she wants to drag me out to eat later. I guess it would be rude if me to deny the offer since aparently everyone else is going.


03/31/2021 11:40 PM 

How tf

Also how tf did I get 31 new friends in a day

Xx Eternity Ectoplasm xX

03/31/2021 11:32 PM 

it'z my birthday!!
Current mood:  blessed

HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2 ME!!! i can't believe i'm 16 already. it feels like 0 time went by. my bday presentz r still coming in the mail so i'm waiting 4 that BUT my mom n i r gonna go to hot topic 2 get stuff!! wow, i even FEEL older, is that good? aah i'm runnin outta wordzzz anyway,happy bday 2 me, i'm 13 + 3, happy bday dear eternityyyy, happy bday 2 me ♥

birthday, celebration, sweet 16,


03/31/2021 11:36 PM 


Can someone give me ideas on what to post on hereI litteraly have no ideas


03/31/2021 05:15 PM 

Current mood:  stressed

I just got FriendProject and I don't quite get it


03/31/2021 03:29 PM 

Current mood:  bored

its stupid bc adoble flash player is no longer supported. and my friends arent online. im boreddd asf

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