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04/04/2021 12:26 PM 

OK GO Albums

If you do know who OK GO are, then you’re a legend. If not, look them up after after reading this. I’ve been looking for an album from their band. I hadn’t found one until today. I was in the rock part of the cd area at the used video game store. I was browsing through the o section until I saw an album. It said Oh No so I turned on my iPod touch to see what the name of the OK GO album I was listening to is called. It was Oh No so I looked for more albums from OK GO. I saw that there was also the album OK GO and Of The Blue Colour Of The Sky. Those are the 1st and 3rd albums. I couldn’t find the 4th album which is Hungry Ghosts so I need to ask my parents to get it online or look for it at a store. Here’s a picture for proof. Let me know if you knew about OK GO before this blog and before I put them on my MySpace music. Bye!

OK GO, Rock Music, Music Suggestions


04/04/2021 08:27 PM 

i have no idea how this works T-T
Current mood:  confused

i feel like a boomer omg! i'll probably use this as a twitter replacement because it's more vibey hehe  



04/04/2021 06:02 PM 


Oh my god!!! I haven't been online in forever! =͟͟͞͞(꒪⌓꒪*)  I'm so sorry you guys, life caught up to me and stuff. I hope everyone has a good easter tomorrow!! (If you don't celebrate easter that's cool, but maybe take the day to relax and be happy!) I hope you all have a good day! ˙˚ ᕱ⑅ᕱ ɞ˚˙

Easter, bunny, online, kawaii


04/04/2021 02:18 PM 

Current mood:  disgusted

another day wishing i wazz a boy :[[ gna go watch south park and cri TT


04/04/2021 01:51 PM 

I’m back on here... gonna try to be more active.
Current mood:  cheerful

I'm gonna try to start being more active on FriendProject, and will try to update y'all with more pictures, and my YouTube videos! Happy to be back! Ready for some fun time! 

karli ;)

04/04/2021 01:20 PM 


things you should know about me: i accept everyone no matter your gender, race, or sexual orientation i do not assosiate with pedophiles, misoginists, homophobes, or transphobes (so if thats u get off my page) if ur none of the things listed above and u want to be friends msg me! i love talking to people if u hate one direction, we cant talk,, soz


04/03/2021 09:03 PM 

Current mood:  amused



04/03/2021 04:53 PM 

Current mood:  bored

I'm so bored, but go follow my instagram.♥ @sogayloll



04/03/2021 09:20 PM 

Current mood:  curious

Yesterday I read my Atlas of the Universe, Minkowski's Butterfly will forever be beautiful. I love to read of lunar landscapes - Lacus Somniorum, Palus Somnii,  Mare Nubium, Lacus Mortis, Sinus Iridum. I could spend hours looking through the images within this book, dreamy. I read more of the Fibonacci sequence, I like the observation of this sequence in nature most. I learned of Matrix Exponential, a beauty in mathematics. 


04/03/2021 12:55 PM 


Hi,uhm i really wanna die.I want it for 4 years straight.And im just so sick of exams and school and my parents and my siblings and my friends and everything.I cant go out all i have to do is study.I cry for hours everyday and i have exam tommorrow that i dont have to attend but my parents said that im gonna attend i told them i dont feel good and im just out of my exam week,i dont have any motivation.They got mad at me.My mom says i have to do this exam better than the others.I was always smart in the school and i won the best high school in my city but sometimes i think if i was unsuccesfull student maybe they wouldnt expect much and it would be better.I was always scrared of cutting myself but i cutted myself yesterday and today.I am writing all of them here because nobody knows me here and nobody sees it.Take care bye


04/03/2021 10:46 PM 


helloooooooo         ff***ckkckc yalll l                                            

#scene #icp #fuckyou #desemojisrsocute


04/03/2021 04:55 PM 

Jake Munro
Current mood:  sleepy

Been watching Jake Munro for the past few hours, it's almost 4 and I'm sleepy


04/03/2021 12:29 PM 

Current mood:  hungry

I swear the food on my desk is taunting my fatass but I'm supposed to be asleep so I can't eat the beef jerky, hot Cheetos, and jolly ranchers 💔


04/02/2021 10:42 PM 

Current mood:  anxious

I am under so much stress right now. One of my friends is devealoping an eating disorder, which they refuse to turn to me for help with, instead turning to one of my best friends who is the "therapist friend" who needs a f***ing break considering they already deal with my bs. I have like fifty assignments to do, I'm going to my homophobic aunt's over next week's break, I have discovered my acid reflux returning, it's pollen season so my throat is clogged as sh*t, and I feel like I can't feel bad about it because said friend who is developing an eating disorder hasn't eaten in five days. So I am in a constant state of panic. I am also having another sexuality crisis, one of my online friends is completely out of contact and I won't be knowing them again, I might have a queer platonic crush on two of my best friends, and there's a cute girl at my school and I don't know how to talk to people. I wanna be her friend so bad, but all my friends are having hard times so I feel sh*tty for wanting to reach out. Y'know? Anyway, Crowley, out


04/02/2021 09:49 PM 

I'm new ☺️
Current mood:  blessed

hiii 💕

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