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05/03/2021 02:32 PM 


he made me so miserable i dont even understand why he was so selfish but u know what maybe i deserved it but now i dont feel nothing for him anymore im a little bit sad i have to give up on him he was great and hot and his validation was good but i saw him flirting with another girl today and actually after that i just feel like i can move on too because were just both at different places :) goodbye Luidgy its the last time i will check on u maybe if i need but i doubt so have a good life even if ur a dixk im sure youll get kinder hhahahahah still fuvk u 


05/03/2021 02:12 PM 


so yeah after the douche that was the laste guy that i had just to think about something else i found myself L he was the light of my day but after being rejected one too many times i wasnt going to give my heart so fast so i ended up distancing myself to not be heart  broken again and when i realized i loved him he had moved on so i was left by the person i finally trusted i felt that i wasnt enough and it wasnt enough that i was tretaed horribly by him when she cheated on him he came back and i took him even if i was doing better by myself but after the hate i found myself able to love him againbut he slowly lost interest and after he took my virginity i never saw him again i wanted to see him one last time to get closure but in the end theres nothing anymore i dont need closure i know there is better i was scared to feel lonely and unlovable but i know im better than what he gives me and i will find better i always did 


05/03/2021 12:53 PM 

Current mood:  ecstatic

I might be able to get piercings soon!!!! I'm so f*cking excited!!! I might be going to the mall and going to hot topic today!!!! I can't wait!!!! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

happy, piercings, mall


05/03/2021 08:57 AM 

Current mood:  energetic

just drank a full cup of coffee, the starbucks ones in the glass bottles. feeling good, would be feeling better if i wasn't in this darned class. it'sloud, yet somehow un eventful. anyways i havn't posted on here in a while so i'll update you. i recently joined a discord server for a streamer on twitch, ashloope. it's honestly pretty fun. then yesterday i joined one for a smaller streamer, rupoura. i talked a little with her and she's pretty cool. but yeah that's really it.i hate pe


05/03/2021 11:23 PM 

Bored and tired
Current mood:  blah

sitting here nothin' going on. got some snacks and I have a day off from work so that's cool


05/03/2021 10:50 PM 


ello and good mornin frens ♥ anyone know how to make sunburn not hurt as much :,D


05/03/2021 08:01 PM 

I was gonna go to bed, yes at 5am; but I decided on vaping and drinking another energy drink for an hour. Cause why not stay up till 6? What does 6 have to do with me? What does 6 in the morning mean or matter to me?! Istarted vaping when I was 20 years old, a year ago. After watching Dylan do it for quite some time, I let curiosity get the best of me and tried it. Liked it. Like it. I vape more than ever now...Sleep is for the weak indeed.


05/03/2021 08:02 PM 

Current mood:  blessed

currently in school and died my hair red and all these edgars are saying stuff abt it -_- #livelovelaugh 


05/03/2021 12:30 AM 

Janet Lynne Cyrus
Current mood:  accomplished

I'm A Famous Celebrity  



05/03/2021 12:43 PM 

Current mood:  drained



05/02/2021 11:17 PM 

almost there...
Current mood:  bouncy

wow! these past few days have been pretty ok! i worked pretty much all day on friday, but work is so enjoyable when that boss is there. i like those days a lot, me, him, my fave much fun when we all sit and talk together when the store is slow haha. then, afterwards i hung with a friend i hadn't seen in a while; me, her, and my sis got all you can eat sushi anyways, while we were hanging out, she mentioned some liqour store we live by doesn't id so i thought on saturday i'd stop after work (work on sat was also pretty good!) and test that out...well, she was some white claws and drank with my friend and his girlfriend. watched some of the sopranos while i was over there. had a pretty good time and left pretty late hahatoday though, i woke up pretty early (weird considering how much i drank and how late i got home...), watched some tv with my brother, then went with a friend to panera so we could both get some school work done. i got most of my work done...i only have a paper due wednesay and some bullsh*t evaluation also due on wednesday. guess my lit prof is holding lectures on mon and wed...why...anywho! just having some wine and enjoying myself. no work all week! and i only have two things before im done with the semester! 


05/02/2021 09:26 PM 

dentist tmr

I actually woke up earlier today like I try to do everyday. Work wasn't interesting except I finished reading that bl. It was only 7 chapters which really sucked, but it was cute nonetheless.I have to wake up early in the morning for the dentist. My manager lent me enough money to pay for the appointment and last for food until I can get my card back, I hate having to rely on other people but there's nothing that can be done about it. I don't like owing people anything.I have to sleep within the next hour and I already know I'm not going to be able to go to sleep. I'm also not really looking forward to being bitched at by the dentist about brushing my teeth properly. I try to as much as possile but sometimes it's f***ing hard to take basic care of yourself. I can't help that. I try, it's not like I purposefully go without caring for myself. I wish I could easily like normal people but it takes a lot out of me to even brush my hair somedays.I'm starting to get more and more nostalgic also and I don't need to. It depresses me that I can't go back in time. I need to get it out of my head. My old friends aren't my friends anymore, they aren't going to be. I'm an adult now, I can't go back to my teenage years, I can't fix things that I messed up back then. Some I can, but most I can't. It honestly boils down to me being scared of growing older and the change that comes with it. Everyone around me gets older as well, and you know what getting older leads to.I don't want to think about it anymore. I'm just going to f*** around until I have to lay down. Idk what I'm gonna do though. 

*•.¸♡ 𝖍𝖆𝖎𝖑𝖎𝖊♡¸.•*

05/02/2021 07:54 PM 

I'm back lol
Current mood:  stressed

It's been a while since I've posted on here. like a long time. I've been pilled with work, from school/graduating/getting ready for college to saving money for college. Everything is so damn confusing. like why the f*** do I have to ask and sh*t for these weird forms and go on these random websites and do all this adult sh*t it's so confusing and stressful. I feel like I just want to be a kid, or just have the freedom of being an adult with no responsibilities. it all seems simple in theory but it's so damn confusing, I try to talk through it with my dad and stuff but it stresses me out of nowhere, even if it makes sense I start bawling and hyperventilating, its like I'm trying to learn math in middle school at the dining table crying.I wonder if anyone I know still uses friend project, probably not, but it's a funny thought to think that I could talk on here like this with no one IRL knowing?anywho!-Hailie


05/02/2021 06:18 PM 

Current mood:  fascinated

About 3 Nights ago I had a dream abt this person, we were dating I guess. It's all a bit fuzzy. I've heard that you only dream about people you've seen, your mind can't 'make up' new people or something but I swear i've never seen this person before and honestly they were v attractive. And we hugged in the dream but it felt so real. I can vividly remember how the hug felt and how their hand running through my hair while we were hugging felt, And I can't get the dream off my mind. I keep subconsciously trying to find this mystery person. what are your thoughts?



05/02/2021 02:33 PM 

Current mood:  adventurous

Glad to be here!!You just didn´t know what you were missing lots of love babys  

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