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05/03/2021 04:17 PM 


so then we have my classmates friend 


05/03/2021 04:12 PM 


why do i need the constant validation that im not unlovable


05/03/2021 03:20 PM 

how to get those little badges (blinkies) on your profile

introductionhave you ever looked at a FP page with a bunch of badges? by badges i mean small rectangles under sections, usually with a word and/or an icon.these are actually called "blinkies", and there are multiple websites to find them from.examples (my personal fave) instructionfor this i will be using;step 1: enter the website & click "blinkies"step 2: choose the one you would likestep 3: copy the section under "Copy this HTML code to your profile or website"step 4: paste it into a section on your profile (about me doesn't work for me)optional steps to remove the text that says ""your code will most likely look like this:<a href=""><img src="; width=150 height=20 border=0></a><br><a href="" target=_blank></a>so all you have to do is remove the red part...<a href=""><img src="; width=150 height=20 border=0></a><br><a href="" target=_blank></a> 

blinky, blinkies, myspace, friendproject, tutorial, badges, customization


05/03/2021 02:45 PM 


i feel it again the same way i felt last year something is missing i dont feel happy fully i have a hole somehow i have to do like last year a full month for myself to get better to be happier not hope for some sh*t thats never going to happen which was L's


05/03/2021 02:43 PM 


ex : i feel worthless rn and i thouhgh wow my ex is doing so much better but like why would i care about his progress i should care about why i feel this way and how i can change it 


05/03/2021 02:36 PM 


i have to stop comparing my hpiness to others hapiness


05/03/2021 02:32 PM 


he made me so miserable i dont even understand why he was so selfish but u know what maybe i deserved it but now i dont feel nothing for him anymore im a little bit sad i have to give up on him he was great and hot and his validation was good but i saw him flirting with another girl today and actually after that i just feel like i can move on too because were just both at different places :) goodbye Luidgy its the last time i will check on u maybe if i need but i doubt so have a good life even if ur a dixk im sure youll get kinder hhahahahah still fuvk u 


05/03/2021 02:12 PM 


so yeah after the douche that was the laste guy that i had just to think about something else i found myself L he was the light of my day but after being rejected one too many times i wasnt going to give my heart so fast so i ended up distancing myself to not be heart  broken again and when i realized i loved him he had moved on so i was left by the person i finally trusted i felt that i wasnt enough and it wasnt enough that i was tretaed horribly by him when she cheated on him he came back and i took him even if i was doing better by myself but after the hate i found myself able to love him againbut he slowly lost interest and after he took my virginity i never saw him again i wanted to see him one last time to get closure but in the end theres nothing anymore i dont need closure i know there is better i was scared to feel lonely and unlovable but i know im better than what he gives me and i will find better i always did 


05/03/2021 12:53 PM 

Current mood:  ecstatic

I might be able to get piercings soon!!!! I'm so f*cking excited!!! I might be going to the mall and going to hot topic today!!!! I can't wait!!!! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

happy, piercings, mall


05/03/2021 08:57 AM 

Current mood:  energetic

just drank a full cup of coffee, the starbucks ones in the glass bottles. feeling good, would be feeling better if i wasn't in this darned class. it'sloud, yet somehow un eventful. anyways i havn't posted on here in a while so i'll update you. i recently joined a discord server for a streamer on twitch, ashloope. it's honestly pretty fun. then yesterday i joined one for a smaller streamer, rupoura. i talked a little with her and she's pretty cool. but yeah that's really it.i hate pe


05/03/2021 11:23 PM 

Bored and tired
Current mood:  blah

sitting here nothin' going on. got some snacks and I have a day off from work so that's cool


05/03/2021 10:50 PM 


ello and good mornin frens ♥ anyone know how to make sunburn not hurt as much :,D


05/03/2021 08:01 PM 

I was gonna go to bed, yes at 5am; but I decided on vaping and drinking another energy drink for an hour. Cause why not stay up till 6? What does 6 have to do with me? What does 6 in the morning mean or matter to me?! Istarted vaping when I was 20 years old, a year ago. After watching Dylan do it for quite some time, I let curiosity get the best of me and tried it. Liked it. Like it. I vape more than ever now...Sleep is for the weak indeed.


05/03/2021 08:02 PM 

Current mood:  blessed

currently in school and died my hair red and all these edgars are saying stuff abt it -_- #livelovelaugh 


05/03/2021 12:30 AM 

Janet Lynne Cyrus
Current mood:  accomplished

I'm A Famous Celebrity  


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