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05/10/2021 12:34 PM 

anyone care about this?

let's be honest, who really follows my blog


05/10/2021 10:24 PM 

Current mood:  angsty

Insomia, again? whatever lmao mother is oversleeping need to go to school, sigh 


05/10/2021 01:12 PM 


I've got a goose on my screen. I forgot about the goose you could have as a desktop buddy so I downloaded him. He's pulling up a big meme. He got made and chased my cursor when I closed the windows. He's my bud now. I love him.I should've done this earlier bc it's after 1am and I'm tired.Mother's day wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be, but I definitely had my mom in my thoughts the whole day. I stayed the night with my manager last night and gave her kids my psvr. They really enjoyed it, I bought them a fnaf vr game. I've never played fnaf before but I would like to know the lore, it seems interesting. Creepy things are cool to me.My partner came and got me from her house after I ate with them, and we went to walmart to get something for his mom. He got a new vape and some sushi, then I went into work. It was steady for I guess last minute shopping. I wanted to get my gma something but I wasn't able to. Since I was gone all day I'll do something with her tomorrow to make up for it.I started drinking caffeine again yesterday and I had one cigarette yesterday as well. I think I'm going to try and quit smoking now that I've only had one in about a week. I'm not looking forward to the withdrawls though. I quit smoking a year or so ago and I had such a bad headache for 3 days straight. I was also super irritable. Maybe having caffeine in place of nicotine will help curb the headaches, I dunno. Pain killers did nothing for them.Uhh, I bought the Isle two days ago and played for a little bit but eventually got a refund bc there wasn't any AI despite it saying there was, and it was just boring. Super good concept, I love dinosaurs and playing as one seemed fun. But all you did was eat, drink, and rest. No dangers other than other players. I know it's still being developed but I wasn't going to play it anymore. I might buy it again when it's more complete but it depends.Oh I gave my other manager her gift for the baby shower and she cried,, I guess that means I did a good job with the present haha.I'm gonna get off, my goose is telling me he's an agent of chaos.


05/10/2021 10:05 PM 

I hate school
Current mood:  distraught

I f***ing have over 30 missing assignments to complete by firday.... f***



05/09/2021 11:51 PM 

Current mood:  hopeful

Since the start of quarantine, I have been super bored like there is nothing for me to do anymore. There are some days with my friends when I'm having a blast but when that is over it is all boring again. I found ways to entertain myself but those are getting boring too.I do try to find new things that I end up enjoying for a week to a couple months before I get bored. When it gets to a certain point I don't want to do anything anymore except lay on my bed and think.(Writing down my thoughts is fun, even tho I end up writing too much.)BUT BUT BUT,I have a feeling that something will change soon.My birthday will be in a month, so that'll mean I can finally work. I will possibly be able to meet new people through work. Plus I have started working out to help with self confidence and fill in my day when I am not doing anything. Not only that, I will also be graduating this year.


05/09/2021 11:21 PM 

Current mood:  flirty

does anyone still use this site


05/09/2021 08:50 PM 

Working out.
Current mood:  accomplished

It's been a while since I last exercise and I felt sh*tty. So, I found some videos and started today to get healthier. It's not that I hate myself, I just want to work on myself and feel more confident in my body. Abs and thighs hurt. But, I felt good.


05/09/2021 07:27 PM 

hey besties
Current mood:  tired

hey shesties yesterday i got my second covid shot and now my body hurts and i was gonna hang with my bf at the skatepark but i was too tired. :/ ight bye bye shesties.


05/09/2021 06:23 PM 

Lol hi
Current mood:  angsty

Lol be gay do crime



05/09/2021 10:45 AM 

Might go to sleep now

 listening to : Aura- h3artcrush

gerard way looking ass

05/09/2021 10:33 PM 

music on profile
Current mood:  distressed


gerard way looking ass

05/09/2021 10:31 PM 

Current mood:  angry

my aunt iz kinda being a b1tch abt me being tranz itz kinda annoying smhlike itz not dat hard (das what she said JXDHSFK) im just tryna b myself :<


05/09/2021 08:37 AM 

my spppoooootttiifffyyyy
Current mood:  chill

add my spoottiffyy bitches



05/09/2013 07:29 AM 

Current mood:  anxious

why the f*** are so many people adding me LOL!! makes me think I'm popularanyways add me on snap/ Instagram bRo ((snapchat: Cyrahawthorne08)) ((Instagram: Cyrahawthorne)) 



05/08/2021 11:13 PM 

I created a group!

I didn't see a group on here that suited my needs, so I made one!!♥ traumatized ppl trying to make it ♥A vent and support group for #actuallytraumatised people! Join pls. ♥

group, vent

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