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10/17/2021 01:08 PM 

Current mood:  sleepy

today is my birthday, im 15 hooray! i had my party yesterday, it was fun. i did a birthday scout/gacha pull on this game called enstars, didnt get what i wanted though. it was nice, i had alot of fun, not excited about growing up really, lol. haha  now im up on everskies making outfits.


10/17/2021 12:41 PM 

So this website exists

So I was watching this movie called "unfriended" or something like that and thought "boy oh boy I wish I had myspace even tho I wasnt even born when this thing existed", I did a little digging and found this, that seems like a myspace but... aliveso yeahyoure gay


Mediocre Myles

10/16/2021 05:12 PM 

Current mood:  blah

so uh hi! i havent posted a blog post in a while and i just wanted to do one for fun lol. anyway........ idk what to write here, I'm just kinda bored and listening to Working the Musical lol. i wanna be more active on fp because it gives me such a specific nostalgic vibe even tho i was a mere fetus when myspace was at its prime LOL anyway uh.... i really wanna make theatre friends at school cuz i make references and nobody understands lol. all my fave musicals are hella underrated and not well known so i cant really talk to anyone about them lol. I'm excited for February because a) it would be my birthday and i might get a phone and b) i can audition for the school musical lol. i wish they did a winter musical at my school (that i would be rehearsing for at this time) but for now I'm just doing choir and the holiday concert is in December. anyway.... idrk what to talk about so ill just leave it at that lol. bye bye!


10/16/2021 03:15 PM 

Current mood:  cranky gonna try to write a blog everyday even though nothings rlly happening LOL  this is my super favorite song at the moment  


10/16/2021 01:18 PM 

Current mood:  cheerful

HI GUYZ!!! still in the process of setting up my account but if any of you are interested heres the link for me and friendz discord server!! Plz read all the rulez and the DNI list!!  server link here!   

homestuck, discord, alt, scene, emo, scemo,


10/16/2021 11:03 PM 

The Future or death cannot be changed though can deadstars use fiber optics to communicate,and

The Future or death cannot be changed though can deadstars use fiber optics to communicate,and morph.Wish my all my pets were walking distance a very short walking distance.


10/15/2021 04:29 PM 

What does love mean to me?

Love to me means the soft hand-holding for comfort. It also means never to have a distrust in your partner's loyalty. It means never to feel any anxiety during intimate moments. It means that I  can always be comfortable. Also never to feel like too much.  Like I don't have to hold back and I don't wonder if I made them upset over something trivial. 


10/16/2021 01:13 AM 

10-16-21 01:13AM

i am the metronome always one beat off, seeming like i've got it until i don't. stare, focus, and gaze intently. you'll miss it. blink and you'll hear slivers of slurred speech, rough and haunting and sharp, but never clear enough to be made out. and it's not like anyone would want to listen to the tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock pounding inside my head threatening to be let out and released through discreet fury. there are many who beat in the same way i do.


10/14/2021 06:21 PM 

public school 😍

i might be getting suspended for telling someone he was racist for calling the black kids in my class the n word because he called the f***ing cops on me for saying that


10/14/2021 12:03 AM 

replace Groups section

go to Edit Profile and paste this code in Like To Meet, above </style> (scroll to the bottom) #Groups td .lightbluetext8{ font-size:0pt;}#Groups td .lightbluetext8::before { content:"whatever you want"; font-family: choose; padding: 0px; line-height: 12px color: choose; font-size:12pt;}#ProfileHeroes::after {content:"description";font-family: choose;color: choose;font-size: choose;}change all the "choose" to the same font-family and colors (and maybe font-size if you need to) the other sections use, change "whatever you want" to your title, and change "description" to the description! note: since css doesnt use <br>, paste a bunch of &nbsp; (html spaces) after the thing until it goes to the next line on the live version of your profile.example: videogame&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; anothervideogame (make sure theres a space before the next thing, or else it will see both things as one word and not break the line)!!!!then click Save Changes, go back to Edit Profile, and press Save Changes again. for some reason the &nbsp; doesnt register as spaces if you only save it might have to do this a couple times to get the exact amount of spaces needed (make sure to erase the previous attempts spaces before adding them again)comment if you have any questions!!!!! [: (read everything before asking please!!!)


10/13/2021 09:39 PM 

ahhhasudauduuyqafuvqaeufv >x3
Current mood:  romantic

yall dont hate me but..... im dating michael now ^///^!!!!!!!!!! 


10/14/2021 01:48 AM 

10-14-21, 01:48 AM

that one forrest gump scene. i don't know, i've never seen it. how that one guy says something about life being like a box of chocolates... i think love is too. but for other reasons.preferences... standards... always vastly changing, switching and differing faster than the time it takes for the sun and moon to take each other's places. sometimes they work out in your favor. sometimes they don't. like a box of chocolates that varies for everyone else to enjoy their fair share of the flavors that they desire most. in my perspective, with my own two naive eyes who question and intensely pore at situations every chance they get, everyone likes the milk chocolate bars with the peanuts... the ones that start off incredibly saccharine, where the sugar rushes to spread itself across your tongue. tooth-rotting and milky and creamy yet not enough to melt in your mouth. there's a slight chew, a bit of toughness, slightly sticky so they can leave marks on your molars. they stain the teeth for a while. sweep your tongue all around and the faint taste of the chocolate is there. there's also the surprise element - the peanuts. a bit of saltiness, a bit of crunch, a gritty texture most exciting and welcoming to many palates. it peppers the texture of the candy bar and your jaws, an addition in the mix never to be forgotten. the sweetness then never fades; you can taste it even at the very back of your throat, stubbornly staying in there even though you try to wash it down with more ways than one, boys have always been like chocolates with peanuts to me. frequently coming off strong, whether it's from their suave exterior or their intense body sprays that never seem to depart from their clothes and their surroundings. their personalities come with a bit of grit, somewhat complicated and alien to everyone else. and forcing myself to like boys is like forcing myself to enjoy nutty (ha) chocolate. my attraction to men is like a switch; when i feel like it i kick the voltage up a notch and let the light burn blindingly bright. but it's too tiring anyway, and i just keep it off because i really can't be bothered to pay the bills to keep the lights on. they're like dragons, fun to fantasize about but very impractical. i enjoy thinking of the warmth a hug from one of them could radiate. or how fun it would be to have my fingers get lost in their hair as i whisper sweet nothings in their ears. but when the chance comes, when heartfelt words come my way and the opportunity to get with a boy arrives... i freeze. my entire world stops and regret floods my brain. i don't want to be with one... i can't be with one. and no matter how many bites i take out of the candy bar, the fusion of cocoa and nuts really does not appeal to me.and women, non-men...they're bittersweet, and it's just right. there's a bitterness that begins at the tip of the tongue, still coming off strong yet laced with the promise of sweetness and balance. it's a taste that lingers in your mouth for days on end because your brain dares to commit such to memory. the flavors are elegant and lavish; one of a kind. delicious enough that it's almost as if you're drunk on its zest alone. they melt in your mouth just right and have a silky smooth texture that flows in the mouth just right. addictive, like you'd dish out multiple bills just to taste it seems there's a certain kind of intimacy being with them can provide that men can't. it's delicate and sickeningly saccharine yet i can't seem to get tired of it no matter how many times i experience it. the sensations hit me like a strong whiff of vanilla perfume and it's all overwhelming at the start but it always ends up being familiar, always ends up softening my heart and making it beat 500bpm. it's not awkward and forced and strange, conversations never having gaps longer than a mile. it's always known, always accepted and welcome in my train of thought, seeming so easy even when it isn't. hair that's been doused in some sort of flower scent. hands that grip mine just right. like math rock; multiple complications and questions. but it all makes for a beautiful and unique tune in the end.sorry -- i do try and test and assess myself, and have done so a million times, but i just can't be interested in guys. life would be easier by a sh*t ton if i were.  


10/13/2021 12:45 PM 

oct. 13
Current mood:  understimulated

bored in class and decided to make this account😘


zZz santi

10/13/2021 09:51 PM 

hi? :)

i don't know what is this or what i'm doing here but hiiii


10/13/2021 07:55 PM 

test post
Current mood:  bored

i dont really know what to post on here, tbh,,, maybe ill post some pokemon stuff ?


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