Interests: Exploring the World of Spirituality, Comparative Religion, Sacred Texts, Ahimsa Ethics: Peace, Being Veg, Going Green to Save the Planet -- Education for a More Peaceful Planet -- Exploring the World of Spirituality, Comparative Religion -- East and West, Meditation, Mysticism, and Books, Including World Scriptures, Sacred Texts, Spiritual Classics or Other Books that Matter -- Inter-Faith Essays and Interviews.
I enjoy very mellow meditative ambient music - hilarious some call it space musik - and sometimes I go for the loudest of down-tuned metal or prog rock.
Always enjoying finding new bands so as never to be stuck in the past. Best to have a burning nostalgia for the future, deep album cuts from Proxma B.
Ambient Meditation Music from the Realm of the Spirit Beyond the Portal.
The Truman Show...
TofuGH0ST streaming on Twitch, LivAgar on Twitch, RiverBoatJack,
Strange New Worlds, Severance, Foundation,
Too Many Books Are Still Not Enough! "Abibliophobia: the fear of running out of books. It's a real thing."
Teachings of the Masters, The Classics of Eastern Spirituality, The Classics of Western Spirituality, Mostly Books from India, but also some medieval mystics of Europe, and Gnostic writings discovered in the Middle east.
Gnosis, the Sacred Texts of Gnosticism:
Mandaean Scriptures, Syriac and Coptic Mystics, Bruce Codex, Pistis Sophia, The Gnostic Bible, Coptic Apocrypha, The Gospel of Thomas, Gospel of Mary Magdalene, The Nag Hammadi Library, and, The Unknown Gnostic Gospels hidden in caves or buried underneath the sands of time waiting to be unearthed!*+*
Spiritual Seekers, Masters, Saints, Mystics, Scholars of Gnosticism and Mysticism
About me: Am a researcher of comparative religion, spirituality and mystics, East and West, a collector of sacred texts and the discourses of spiritual Masters, am vegan, and practice Inner Light and Sound Meditation in a spirit of Bhakti (Love and Devotion for the Supreme Being, the Formless Lord of the Soul, the Ocean of Love and All-consciousness). Am conspiring to make the world more peaceful, vegan, and spiritually awake.
Who I'd like to meet: NOTE: WILL NOT ADD IF: * you are under 18 years old, * no age is listed on your profile, or if * you have no profile picture.
I'm here to meet spiritual seekers, Friends of God, satsangis, devotees, bhakas, brother and sister initiates of Inner Light and Sound, mellow mystic souls, gnostics, friendly souls on the Road-Less-Traveled, Lovers of the Beloved, those who meditate, vegans and vegetarians...
Also see my blog for spiritual quotes, podcast announcements, and sometimes I like sharing fun tunes from the world of ambient music, world music, psych, prog rock, metal, etc... I produce a couple of music shows for community radio stations and occasionally share playlists of those here.