Myspace Layout Generator

Myspace Layout Generator by


Last Login:
September 22nd, 2024

Gender: Female
Status: Single
Age: 15
Sign: Libra
Country: United States

Signup Date:
June 02, 2024


06/20/2024 07:22 PM 


One day I'm probably going to end up on the streats of some city.
I want to have an artist roommate that actually makes money by selling their work because it's beautiful and breathtaking and I want to be able to come home to them in our stupid apartment at 3am and we watch a movie together. Why 3am? because I want to be out in the world at bars and clubs. I want to have shows and be either an actor or a singer and then work in a diner or bookstore during the day. I wanna have rose petal bubble baths and kiss pretty people for fun.. 
It sounds like art, does it not? Does that life not sound like the plot of a beautiful book..? I want that. 

06/12/2024 09:55 PM 

talk to me, babe

Can somebody please rant to me? Can somebody please love me enough to want to hug/cuddle me and just.. talk? not in a romantic way or anything but I just want to hear somebody's voice. I want to hear my brother talk about dinosaurs, I want my booknerd friends to book rant to me, I want somebody to fill me in on the tea.. I want conversations that mean something to somebody.. Tell me all about your favorite musician, talk to me about why you love the rain, express to me how your family makes you feel, what show are you watching?, gush to me about a boy, tell me everything.

I need to have somebody that wants to tell me everything. 

Honey, lay in bed with me and let me ask you questions. darling, let me listen and drown in the sound of your voice. Love, rant to me about something that you love so much that you're wearing your beautiful smile and talking fast and moving your hands because you can't communicate with just your words. 

hug me and don't let go.
rant and don't stop talking.

06/03/2024 08:36 PM 


Recently, I got out of a toxic 3-year-long relationship with a girl I loved. 
I decided that now, now that I can, now that I want to, now that I know who I want to be, I am going to become the person in my head. I'm going to be the person that I know I am but that I've been hiding. 
My mother is.. rather unkind, I have trauma, I have things that I regret having done but those things don't make who I am and I'm not going to let them anymore.
I'm not going to get better overnight, I might never fully recover from it all, but I can live coexistantly with all of the things that have happened and will happen, I can be sad without being consumed, I can embrace, change, and live the pain instead of breathing it. 
I will be coffee, sex, and cigerettes, red flowers, alive city nights, bubble baths, fantasy ball gowns, mystery, red lipstick, a riddle, a puzzle, a song, a poem, a poet, a writer, art, alcohol.
I will take myself and my friends on picnics, to art museums, poetry slams, walks through the woods, the city at night, and things of the sort.
One day I hope people look at me and think "She's the kind of girl that people write songs about.. she's art." 
One day I hope somebody will look at me and pray to any and every god that my red lipstick ends up on their neck.
I will be punk, I will be beautiful, I will be alive. I won't waste away by the television, you're more likely to find me in a library. 

06/02/2024 11:13 PM 

Things that I count as art:

Poetry, sex, paintings, music, literature, the human body, red lipstick, rain, emotions, nature, graffitti, and all other beautiful things are art to me. 
Art is meant to be messy and imperfect and they're supposed to make you feel

One day I hope that I make somebody feel something worth feeling. 

06/02/2024 11:03 PM 

Things that make me feel alive..
Current mood:  fascinated

Playing in thunder storms/heavy rain,
The Jackpot Juicer album by Dance Gavin Dance,
Kissing people,
The sound of rain,
My siblings,
Green tea,
Going on long walks,
Enjoying the beauty of nature and the natural world,
The mountains,
Joyriding at unnesseccarily high speeds, 
Breaking rules,
Deep conversations,
Astrophysics and space as a whole,
Flirting (even when it's just with my friends and I don't mean it),
Handwritten letters,
complicated things,

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