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Last Login:
September 23rd, 2021

Gender: Male
Age: 19
Sign: Leo
Signup Date:
September 02, 2021


09/23/2021 09:14 PM 

worst first date EVER

So it's been a few days since I last posted and A LOT of stuff has gone down, but that's for another post.  I just had the most terrible date. So first off she shows up late, I told her to meet me at two and she still showed up late. She looked hot though so I got over it kinda quick. We went to see a play (which is kind of an odd choice for a first date, i know), but i kept getting annoyed by the actors. After the show, we planned on going ice skating but got held up a bit cuz she was flirting with this pretentious prep school pretty boy at the theatre. 
We ice-skated for a while, then went inside to take a break. I started talking about school and how outcast I feel from everyone at Pency Prep. I got this crazy idea that we could run away together from society and live in a cabin in the woods. Ridiculous, right? well, when my dumb brain gets set on an idea there's no going back. Sally said it was stupid and unrealistic, we got in a fight and it ended with her crying. I ended up just leaving without her.


09/23/2021 09:02 PM 



this is so true

09/23/2021 08:57 PM 

leaving for new york

I was talking with one of my school acquaintances in his dorm, and i say acquaintance cuz i cant barely stand him sometimes so i wouldn't consider him a friend btw haha. I was gonna sleep in his dorm but i couldn't stop thinking about that girl that I mentioned in my last post and my douchey jerk roommate fooling around on their sh*tty little date. 

I've decided I'm gonna leave school a few days early and screw off to new york until my parents find out I got kicked out of another school. I know they're gonna totally flip, so I'm just gonna lay low in the city and return when they get over it. 


09/18/2021 10:48 PM 


ok so i was hanging with my roommate (real douchey jock type yanno) cuz I had nothing better to do. He was getting ready for a date and I asked who, turns out its this chick that I hung out with over the summer a while back. After he said that I just couldn't stop thinking abt her, its like her name kept repeating in my head. I wanted to go down and say hi to her but I totally wussed out. Its like she was the only thing on my mind. then my roommate asks me to do some of his English home work and I (yet again) had nothing better to do, so I ended up writing this rly bummer composition abt my dead brother. so yeah, that's how my night went. 


09/18/2021 06:13 PM 

my playlist

hey guys i made a spotify playlist to see if anyone likes the same stuff I do (its all kinda indie/underground so I don't blame u if u have never heard of them haha)
here it is

09/18/2021 05:24 PM 

first post

hey everyone,
im just gonna use this to rant abt my feelings n junk cuz I don't have a therapist haha. 

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