
Last Login:
November 29th, 2021

Gender: Other
Status: In a relationship
Age: 23
Sign: Leo
Country: United States

Signup Date:
September 01, 2021


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09/06/2021 01:22 PM 

job stuff
Current mood:  restless

finally got a job offer back but hopefully they won't make me cut or dye over my pink hair. im willing to embrace a ramona flowers hairstyle but having to cut my hair will make it a lot shorter for at least a few months. maybe they wont hire me and i can just get some cybersecurity certs while i potentially get financial aid to pay for the tests. min wage jobs just feel so exhausting especially with my weird body pains 

09/01/2021 12:42 PM 

html stuff

i cant wait until i have the time to finally sit down and learn some html and css for my own profile layout. i love the themes that ppl share on here but i also would love to make my own and figure out how to make my own tumblr theme as well. i just wish it wasnt so hard to focus

09/01/2021 12:23 PM 

bot accounts?? maybe????
Current mood:  confused

it's so weird seeing these profiles with celebrity pictures that are all edited with like the same super sharp filter....they feel like bots but why even program bots for this site like whats the intended purpose?? just to get popular pretending to be olivia rodrigo????

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