Letta's emo poetry

letta 𐐪♡𐑂

Last Login:
March 13th, 2023

Gender: Female
Status: In a relationship
Age: 19
Sign: Aries
Country: United States

Signup Date:
October 14, 2020


12/20/2020 05:01 PM 


nothing is here for me and no legal contact to the outside world.
i can spill my guts in a book or in a bathroom sink, your choice.
punishing myself for things i dont remember and forking it all over only to get flashbacks of the taste in my mouth and the walls closing in while she screams and screams and screams and i bleed and bleed and bleed.
who called the police?
did they or was it a dream?
was it all a dream to nobody but me?
im only in control once my head hits the pillow or the spoon hits the back of my throat.
sleep, secrecy, remember, and repeat.

11/09/2020 01:18 PM 


she’s the bookmark while i wait for you to look back

i gaze i want i cry

my bones are frictionless

my heart is empty

she gives me what i want, 

not what i need

what i need could not come from anyone else

what i need couldn’t be satisfied with a dream

or two

or five

if you never existed who am i.

11/05/2020 05:27 PM 


avoiding the songs that fill me with your aura
if i wanted to stop it i could but its too soon
our story wasnt supposed to end this fast
or was it?
things dont have to last forever to serve their purpose but why would it be so short?
was the purpose to kill me?
to show me what i cant have and leave me in the dust?
id never chase anyone but should i start?
moving on doesnt have to be public, maybe my publicity shows how stuck i am on you.
slam my head into the wall and drink it down. 

11/05/2020 05:09 PM 


to match technicolor with the main seven.
we're both colorful yet you're so hinged in comparison.
you pour out your heart.
i throw back what i know deep down is just lip service. 
to match his energy you'd cross the line.
to match his love you wouldn't be you.
to be him you couldn't,
yet I let you fill the space.
your patterns don't match but I still floor it.

every day he fills my mind.
every day i pull the plug and drain.
patching the holes only to replace with something softer and sweeter
even when i crave the edge. 
im not ready yet, but i want to look so.
id give anything to hear him.
id give myself away but he'd give it back.

11/04/2020 04:26 PM 


an idea so sweet
will the berries wear off?
will i one day find that youre acidic and cruel?
optimism is the best medicine and doubt is the sickness.

11/03/2020 04:25 PM 


the obsession tapers out.
eleven days gives me 1:11s with a new.
my brain can other you into a side character and i bathe in the power i pretend i have.
we’ll meet again in time, i won’t force it, but for now i’ll take whats waiting for me.
something forgotten for years and picked up again.
it’s what i have now and what we will be as independents.

10/30/2020 11:01 PM 


i think we've progressed past the need for gender at all, not that we ever needed it in the first place. im just part of the universe inhabiting this body to experience pain and then be reincarnated. i dont need labels i just need to exist. im not a girl, not a boy, not anything in between. im just energy in a body till the end,.

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