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Last Login:
September 23rd, 2022

Gender: Other
Status: Single
Age: 20
Sign: Libra
Country: Korea (North)

Signup Date:
June 24, 2020


09/25/2020 06:48 PM 

Current mood:  disgusted

Rant lol

!!TW mentions of food and restriction!!!!

Our whole lives revolve around consumerism. From birth we are exposed to billions of advertisments. They are everywhere, art, our clothes, music videos, lyrics. There is literally no way to escape. We go to school so that we can learn useless sh*t that stresses us out to the point where we question whether it's even worth it to stay alive. All of this so we can get a job to earn money, because we are taught that money= happiness since we are nothing but consumers. Ads influence everything we do. They feed into setting norms for society like gender roles and 'traditional family values'. I turn on my tv and its full of cishet white girls promoting diet culture. Cosumerism creates our insecurities then it feeds off of them. Hating parts of yourself is so normalised to the point that we HAVE TO REMIND OURSELVES that we are not a waste of space and that 'every body is a beautiful body'  it makes ME SICK!!!!! Having to remind yourself that you are worthy of love and food is not normal. We are born to work, make money to buy products, feel insecure, work more and then die. Our morals and life choices are based on how much money we can make. It's how we have adapted in order to survive. Everything has been capitalized, even food is now seen as a product instead of a necessity, feeding ourselves is no longer a priority, people will restrict themselves in order to fit a mold that capitalism has deemed desirable. Our lives literally revolve around money. Schools, malls, pubs etc. were opened in order for the economy to continue thriving, at the same time that covid was taking lives. They don't care about us. They have enough to solve the problems that they created. We are controlled with peices of paper like donkeys are with a carrot on a stick. It literally keeps me up at night. Why do we go to school if we learn things we don't want to? They teach us to submit then we work till we die. The rich get richer while the rest of us suffer. Bruh I want Jeff Bezos for dinner. 


06/25/2020 07:44 PM 

Current mood:  cookywacky


06/24/2020 05:21 PM 

Current mood:  hyper




06/24/2020 03:03 PM 

Current mood:  aggravated


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