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Last Login:
March 29th, 2022

Gender: Female
Status: Married
Age: 28
Sign: Aquarius
Country: United States

Signup Date:
June 23, 2020


10/23/2020 07:19 PM 


So, I'm going to do a different writing here. I have recently discovered a site called GoodNovel. It pays you for your freelance writing. Now, my creativity flows through different forms of writing. Horror, Mystery, Romance, Drama, even Paranormal. \

Keeping up with my current writing work, has been exhausting and thrilling at the same time. I have spent the last 3 nights staying up until 4 in the morning figuring out what I could do for future chapters, works, etc. I have 2 different works going on, both fiction. One is romance, one is more paranormal and witchy, and dark. While the romance novel has been easier to figure out just through daydreaming the reality of it, this other one has been more difficult. I havent even known where to begin with it. 

Anyways.. If you are ever interested in checking any of it out, feel free to let me know and I will send you a link.

10/06/2020 06:21 PM 

Premonitions through Dreams
Current mood:  animated

Premonitions can either be wonderful, or scary. Some are scarier than others. Most of my premonitions I receive are through my dreams. I've recently been having more dreams similar to the ones I used to have a few months ago. I've also had a lot of realizations from said dreams. Dreams can mean many things, and some are easier to interpret than others. 

For me, my dreams are all over the place. Lately I've been having more predictive dreams, specifically of people dying before I find out they've died. In these dreams, I do everything I can to save them, which ultimately leaves me waking up very drained in the mornings. About a month ago, I had a very specific dream, about a very specific spot where someone was dying. It was a terrible car accident. I then pass through this specific place, and had a sense of deja vu. It took me only 5 seconds to realize, this was the place I had dreamed about a week before.

As if that wasn't freaky enough, I started to realize I was growing stronger with my senses and abilities as a witch. I ended up buying a book about interpreting dreams, and it has helped me figure out the dreams of others as well as my own. Such as dreaming of a river or body of water. This could mean many things.

If the river is clear, smooth, and flowing, it simply means you will soon succeed to the enjoyment of delightful pleasures. Prosperity will bear flattering promises.

If you dream of that relatively common tooth dream that I have seen many people have (the one where you lose all your teeth) it simply means you will soon have burdens that will crush your pride and demolish your affairs.

These are two common dreams I hear come up often. If anyone has any other questions about your dreams, feel free to add me and shoot me a message! I will respond as soon as I am able.

06/29/2020 02:38 PM 

Discovering the witch
Current mood:  blessed

Have you ever wondered if the impossible is true? I can tell you, in most cases, it is. At the age of 16, I was diagnosed with schizophrenia. I never believed that was the actual case, as I saw things that weren't schizophrenia related. It turned out, I was born as a witch. I'm unsure if I am the only one in my family. I've been trying to figure that out. But the funny part about the diagnosis, was the "voices" being heard. They indeed were voices, but not entirely in my head. Over the course of the years, as I grew, I was always surrounded by negative energy. This negative energy took a major toll on me. It only got worse as tragedies struck my family. I recall losing my step brother, who I was very close with and loved very much, to a drunk driving accident. He died in 2010, but as the years went by, I never got any better. About 3 years after that, I discovered a pond as I explored the woods near my home. The pond always held mysteries, that nobody could figure out. The area, was also haunted, and I did not know that. Being unaware of my abilities at first, I had no idea that any spiritual entity was going to follow me home. My house became a haunting zone, and strange things started happening. I started to notice I was seeing and hearing things that didn't seem to be real. At this time, I was not seeing full manifestations of spirits. However, the entity that resided in my home, was more attached to me than anyone else. Fast forward a few years, I was 20 years old and had moved back into my childhood home. I adopted a dog, and after a year, the strange things started to happen again. It affected everyone within my home this time. I would always wake up coughing, as if I was strangled. My dog would bark and growl at something I could not see. Fast forward another few years, I am now 24. This is when I discovered what I was, after I had confided in some friends about these experiences. I have lost both of my parents within a year apart. What actually made all of this click, was when I noticed I could feel more energy than before. After my father passed, I saw a full manifestation of him in my room. For once, he looked healthy, but not happy. Both my parents are currently stuck here in our world. I find peace knowing they are still with me, but I don't find peace knowing they watch me suffer through their loss. With the help of some great friends guiding me, I am fulfilling my journey as a witch, with the job of helping lost spirits cross over. I still feel negative energies, but the great thing is now I know how to get rid of them. Magick lives within everyone, start finding yours. 

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