hello my blog. ever since meeting boyd life has been sweeter. i also have been talking to more friends. but most importantly i'm FINALLY 18!!!!!!!!!!!! on the 24th i finally had my birthday and went to eat crab, but tomorrow is my birthday party with my 4 homegirls and one homeboy. two homegirls being my cousins. i can't wait! it's fully spongebob themed, since my first birthday was spongebob themed. i hope i get more money for my birthday since i want even more paul frank shirts. i'm greedy especially cause i already got 300 bucks and an adorable dining set for my future home. (it's yellow dishes, along with other dishes which are white with flowers, from the 50's/60's/70's according to the lady i bought them from.) also i've completely given up fast food and started actually fully reading the ingredients on everything i eat. i'm sick of additives in food. it might be a big restriction and takes effort but i think it's worth it. also it makes you feel good and a bit skinnier and fancier. especially when farm fresh glass bottle milk is so tasty (italics and bold for fancy measures, even though it should be the norm rather than plastic.) i also really like the giant amish butter rolls too. they're convenienter and it makes me feel like weird al yankovic, which is funny because i'm seeing him in concert next year. i have become a paranoid freak about food and it doesnt bother me. long live good pasta and chicken since it's all i eat