
Last Login:
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Age: 16
Sign: Aquarius
Country: Australia

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March 30, 2023


04/26/2023 12:32 PM 

School - My opinion on it !
Category: Real Life
Current mood:  blank

Why do we go to school?
" Well, that’s easy it’s to learn"

Not really, we go to school not to learn, no no, we go to school to get taught how to pass. The main point of school is to pass a grade, to graduate, is the best feeling you will feel that’s it’s all over now, but by being at school you wasted the most important time of your life your childhood, In a class room waiting to pass, We only life one life so why are we here?

When you are young you are fit and free to mostly anything, When you get older you will be busy with work and let’s be honest, not using A + B = C Be honest unless you’re really smart person and get a job needing that then go you! 

Most people who are still In school have a crap mental health and when they go to speak to someone all they do is make it worse, This generation is fu*ked, as someone who has been going thru sh*t since being a little child, and seeing just after a day people are saying they are depressed its f***ed up thanks school ( and social media that’s for another time ) 

I get it most people act crazy when not given school, I have something to say, schools should be free and for those who need them to teach a person how to live, to cook, to type, to get a life, to get their sh*t together, school is not a place where you should feel like you need to look the best or anything like that it’s pointless, school is like a prison for about 12-13 years of your life that’s a long time right :0 

I could be wrong but that’s just how I feel about it, I don’t want to go on a long rant I might add to this later :D



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