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DeciSpark πŸ‰

Last Login:
April 18th, 2024

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Gender: Other
Age: 34
Sign: Aquarius
Country: United States

Signup Date:
December 27, 2022


12/31/2022 09:34 PM 

Looking back on 2022

In general, 2022 was a bit of an iffy year for me.

The biggest thing is that I did come out as non-binary, after years of self exploration.  I changed to they/them pronouns  I still feel like I'm on the journey though.  (I previously came out as asexual.)  Even though I did come out online, I still have yet to come out to family.  Every time I try to, I just can't get it out.  I'm afraid of how they'll take it.  But sooner or later, I'll have to come out to them.

I've also noticed that I kind of abandoned some spaces that I was a part of, liked, and still like.  I seemed to develop a bad habit of becoming a part of new spaces and abandoning old ones I never left.  I need to stop doing that.  I did reconnect with some spaces and it was nice talking to them again.  I need to stop joining new spaces too quickly and focus more on the ones I am already a part of.  I don't want to stop following new people altogether, but I do need to slow it down a bit.

I did realize I was in some friendships I wasn't happy in.  I finally decided to let go of some of them and I started to feel a little happier.

Another thing that this year did to me was make me less interested in going to any convention in the future, especially TwitchCon with how it was mishandled this year.  The events of TC specifically really makes me not ever want to go to one.  I'll have to see how it is in 2023, but so far it's completely killed any interest in me wanting to go.  I've wanted to go to one for years to meet some of the people I watched, but have never been able to.  I'm sure people wanted to meet me too.  I've never been able to go to a convention and always wanted to go to one, so I hope things turn around regarding them.

In the past I did do some content creation, but eventually I just stopped.  I went on a hiatus I never came out of.  October 2020 was the last serious stream I had.  It is something I want to look into doing again.  I just need to think about I want to do with it.  I was kind of a retro streamer with a few other things sprinkled in, but I ended up leaving the retro community because I had a lot of disagreements with them at the time.  After leaving, it still didn't make me happy, so I just stopped.  There have since been newer people in it, so I could try being a part of it again.  However, I don't want to just be a retro streamer.  There are also things I want to think about, like if I want to be a PG, PG-13, or mature streamer, and which site I want to stream on.


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