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June 22, 2020


12/12/2022 10:43 PM 

felt goofy
Current mood:  silly

 FADE IN:                                 1 EXT. RAIN FOREST, OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK, WASHINGTON - DAWN                       Moss-draped. Shadow-drenched. Tortured tree trunks twist            upward, reaching for rare sunlight.                                  BELLA (V.O.)           I'd never given much thought to how I would die..                      Suddenly, every creature in the forest is deadly silent. Neither            bird, beast nor insect make a noise. A predator is near.                       Then, in the distance, hear a tiny SNICK - a twig snapping.            Abruptly, we're on the move. Fast.                                 UNKNOWN POV - MOVING                      Trees start whipping past us at a dizzying speed, branches            are dodged with preternatural agility. And we're speeding           up, chasing something. It's exhilarating. Terrifying.            Finally, up ahead, we get the first glimpse of our prey -           -                                 A DEER                                 -- running for its life as it darts through this maze of            a forest. It sprints forward, but we gain on it. Beyond the deer,            SEE the forest's edge ahead, white sunlight glowing against the           trees. The buck races for the light. We're just behind it,            about to emerge from the shadowy darkness -           -                                 The deer LEAPS into the light in a high arc, hovering (suddenly            SLOW MOTION) against the WHITE GLARE of the sun... then BAM!                                  The deer abruptly plummets out of frame at an unnatural angle,            leaving the WHITE GLARE to fill the screen. HOLD ON WHITENESS            -                                 BELLA (V.O.)                                 But dying in the place of someone I           love seems like a good way to go..           .                                  -- Then into the WHITENESS steps the face of -                                 2 ISABELLA SWAN, 172                                 Eyes closed against the sunlight, absorbing its rays. Long,            dark hair frames alabaster skin. She's a vulnerable,           introverted, imperfect beauty.                                 BELLA (V.O.)                      ... So I can't bring myself to            regret the decision that brought me            here to die...                                  The background comes into focus as we realize we're now in -                                 2.           EXT. SCOTTSDALE, AZ - DAY                                 Bella stands at the end of a cul-de-sac on the desert's edge.           The sun blazes behind her -- she bends down and carefully            scoops a tiny BARREL CACTUS into a clay pot.                                  BELLA (V.O.)                      ... The decision to leave home.                      She stares at the cactus in a state of reverie, until                                  BLONDE #1 (O.S.)           Bye, Bella!                                 BELLA'S POV - McMansion ACROSS THE STREET                                  Three tanned, athletic, blonde GIRLS hop into a convertible            Mercedes. Their flawless, bought-and-paid for beauty contrasts            with Bella's pale naturalness. They wave.                                 BLONDE #           Good luck at your new school!                                  They ADLIB superficial good wishes, "Don't forget to write;"                      "We'll miss you." Bella waves back, sweetly, but            halfheartedly as she steps off the curb.                                 BELLA           Have a good..                      --and trips. When she rights herself, they're already gone.                                 BELLA           ... life.                                  Clearly, not close friends. Bella's grown-up demeanor and           innate intelligence become apparent as -           -                                 BELLA'S MOTHER, RENE, mid 30's --exits their house --it's           low rent for this ritzy neighborhood. Rene is eclectic,            scattered, anxious, more best friend than parent. She            thrusts a cell phone at Bella.                                  RENE           It won't work again, baby.                                  BELLA           You put it on hold.                                  RENE           I did?                                  BELLA           Look. You also called Mexico.                                 Rene pushes her playfully, they laugh.                                            3.           RENE           I'll figure it out. You gotta be able            to reach me and Phil on the road -            I            love saying that - on the road.                                 BELLA           Very romantic.                                 PHIL, 31, good looking with an athlete's body, exits the           house, carrying Bella's three suitcases with ease.                                  PHIL           If you call crappy motels, backwater            towns and ballpark hot dogs romantic.                                 He puts his Phoenix Desert Dogs baseball hat on Rene's head with            a           kiss. Phil's love of Rene reassures Bella. Phil heads to the old           station wagon to load the luggage, while Rene slips her arm            through Bella's, clinging to her as they walk to car.                                 RENE           Now, you know if you change your            mind, I'll race back here from            wherever the game is.                                  But Rene's strained expression tells us what a great            sacrifice that would be. Bella forces a smile.                                 BELLA           I won't change my mind, mom.                                 RENE           You might. You've always hated Forks.                                  BELLA           It's not about Forks, it's about            Dad. I mean, two weeks a year, we            barely know each other.                                  (off Rene's still worried            look)           Mom, I want to go. I'll be fine.                                 But as Rene hugs Bella, we see the truth on BELLA'S FACE            dread, doubt, regret. Off Bella, struggling to keep her            facade up as she climbs into the back seat of the car..           .                                 BEGIN TITLES OVER:                                 3 BELLA'S POV OUT THE CAR WINDOW - SCOTTSDALE            3                                 Bella, IPOD earbuds in her ears, gets a last glimpse of the            sparkling malls, chic shoppers, manicured cactus gardens..           .                                  PULL UP AND OUT OF THE CAR UNTIL WE'RE -           -                                            4.           4 EXT. ABOVE SCOTTSDALE (AERIAL SHOT) - DAY            4                                 The McMansions get smaller as we SWEEP OVER the scorched            landscape, baking under a hot sun. Beyond the housing            developments SEE the rocky, dry desert, extending for miles..           .                                  Rise HIGHER, and higher still, until finally we're suspended           within the bright, perfect, blue SKY, with only an occasional            cloud..           .                                  Slowly, the clouds start getting more numerous, thicker, darker..           .            until we're completely immersed in them... the sun disappearing.           Finally, we EMERGE from the clouds to find below            -                                 5 EXT. WASHINGTON STATE - OLYMPIC PENINSULA (AERIAL SHOT)- DAY5                                 Nothing but deep, dark, green forests for miles. SWEEP DOWN,            finding the eerily dramatic Lake Crescent. Over it all hangs            the mist from the ever-present cloudy grey sky. Everything            is wet and green and drenched in shade..           .                                  FIND A TWO LANE HIGHWAY along which drives A POLICE            CRUISER... PUSH IN on the cruiser until we reach            -                                 THE PASSENGER SIDE WINDOW                                  Bella looks out, taking in her gloomy new surroundings..           .                                 END TITLES.                                 6 INT. POLICE CRUISER - DAY - WAITING AT LIGHT            6                                 Bella sits next to her uniformed father, police chief CHARLIE            SWAN, 40's. Taciturn, introverted like Bella. Their strained            silence contrasts Bella's relationship with her mother. Beat.                                 CHARLIE           Your hair's longer.                                 BELLA           I cut it since last time I saw you.                                  CHARLIE           Guess it grew out again.                                 She just nods. Silence.                                 CHARLIE           How's your mom?                                 BELLA           Good.                                  More silence. Yikes. They pass a SIGN: �The City Of Forks           Welcomes You - Pop. 3246.� Bella sighs.                                             5.           7 EXT. FORKS, WASHINGTON - DAY            7                                 As the cruiser drives through, Bella takes in this logging town            -           every storefront has a wood carving. The Timber Museum's sign is           two loggers sawing a stump. The POLICE STATION is a small wooden            building across from City Hall..           .                                  8 EXT. CHARLIE'S HOUSE - DAY            8                                 The cruiser pulls up to the old two-story house. A woodshed full            of firewood. There's a small boat in the garage, fishing gear, an           old buoy. Bella climbs out... home.                                 9 INT. CHARLIE'S HOUSE - DAY            9                                 Bella and Charlie carry in her bags. The house isn't stylish           (the only new thing here is a Flat Screen T.V.), but it's           comfortable, lived-in. Lots of fishing memorabilia; photos            of Charlie fishing with Quileute Indian BILLY BLACK.                                  Handmade cards to �Daddy� and photos of Bella. She winces at           herself, age 7, in a tutu, sitting stubbornly on the ground.                                  CHARLIE                                 I put Grandpa's old desk in your                                  room. And I cleared some shelves                                  in the bathroom.                                  BELLA           (grimacing)           That's right. One bathroom.                                 Bella's eye lands on a PHOTO of a much younger Charlie and           Rene, on vacation, beaming with love.                                  CHARLIE           I'll just put these up in your room            -                                 BELLA           I can do it            -                                 They both reach for the bags, bumping one another awkwardly.            Bella backs off, letting Charlie carry the bags upstairs.                                 10 INT. BELLA'S ROOM - DAY 10                                 An antique rolltop desk sits in a corner. The room is filled with            childhood remnants that have seen better days. As she unpacks her            CD case, loneliness finally overwhelms her. She sits heavily on            the edge of the bed, tears threatening..           .                                  Then we hear a HONK outside. Bella runs across the hall and looks            out the window to see            -                                 11 OUTSIDE - A FADED RED TRUCK, CIRCA 1960 pulls up... 11                                            6.           EXT. CHARLIE'S HOUSE - DAY                                 Bella exits to find Charlie greeting the driver, JACOB BLACK,            16, Quileute Indian, amiable with long black hair, and hints of            childish roundness in his face. The two of them help Jacob's           father, BILLY BLACK (from the photos), into a wheelchair.                                  CHARLIE           Bella, you remember Billy Black.                                  BILLY           Glad you're finally here. Charlie            hasn't shut up about it since you            told him you were coming.                                  CHARLIE           Keep exaggerating, I'll wheel you            down the hill.                                  BILLY           Right after I ram you in the ankles.                                 Billy takes several rolls at Charlie, who dodges. Jacob shakes            his head at their two fathers as he shyly approaches Bella.                                 JACOB           I'm Jacob. We made mud pies            together when we were little kids.                                  BELLA           Yeah... I think I remember..           .           (re: the dads)           Are they always like this?                                 JACOB           It's getting worse with old age.                                 Charlie then pats the hood of the truck, addressing Bella            -                                 CHARLIE           So what do you think of your            homecoming gift?                                 BELLA           No way. The truck is for me?                                 CHARLIE           Just bought it off Billy, here.                                  JACOB           I rebuilt the engine and -           -                                 BELLA           It's perfect!                                            7.           She beams. It's the first genuine smile we've seen on her.           She rushes to the truck. Jacob eagerly joins her.                                  JACOB           Okay, so you gotta double pump the            clutch when you shift, but -           -                                 He hands her the keys as she climbs in.                                 BELLA           Maybe I can give you a ride to school.                                 JACOB           I go to school on the reservation.                                 BELLA           Too bad. Would've been nice to            know at least one person.                                  As she starts up the truck we MATCH CUT            -                                 12 EXT. FORKS HIGH SCHOOL - BELLA'S TRUCK - DAY 12                                 Loud, belching and turning heads as Bella parks, mortified. All            eyes are on her as she climbs out of her truck and steps in            a            PUDDLE, soaking her sneakers. She slinks toward school, as we            begin            -                                 13 INT. HIGH SCHOOL - A SERIES OF SHOTS - DAY 13                                 -- Bella (never without her IPOD) makes her way thru kids who            stare openly; a few brave ones say hi. They're all talking            about her. This is her hell.            -- Bella wanders the walkways looking for room numbers, lost.            -- Constant stares at Bella, the outsider..           .           SERIES ENDS when a sweet, nerd-cute, motor mouth boy, ERIC,            appears in her path.                                  ERIC           You're Isabella Swan, the new girl. Hi.            I'm Eric. The eyes and ears of this            place. Anything you need. Tour guide,            lunch date, shoulder to cry on.                                 Bella just looks at him. Is he for real?                                 BELLA           I'm kind of the �suffer in silence� type.                                 ERIC           Good headline for your feature            -           I'm on the paper, and you're news,            baby, front page.                                            8.           BELLA           I -- no, I'm not news -- I'm, seriously,            not at all            -                                 ERIC           Whoa, chillax. No feature.                                 BELLA                                 (relieved)           Would you mind just pointing me            toward Mr. Varner's class?                                 He leads her away, enjoying the attentive stares, as she cringes            from them            -                                 ERIC           You've missed a lot of the semester,            but I can hook you up - tutor, cliff            notes, medical excuse..           .                                  INT. GYM - DAY 14                                 The boys' basketball team runs drills on half the basketball           court. A girls' volleyball game occupies the other half.                                 Bella, in gym clothes, avoids the volleyball like it's           radioactive. An energetic, athletic team captain, JESSICA,            motivates the players.                                 JESSICA           Block it, Chloe! Yeah! Good attack!                                  Unfortunately, the volleyball heads toward Bella. She closes            her eyes and flails at it, SMACKING it. It flies off court            -                                 -- and beans a basketball player in the head. He is MIKE            NEWTON, good looking, affable, with blond spiky hair.                                  MIKE            Ow!                                 BELLA           (hurries to him,                                  embarrassed)           Are you alright? I warned them not            to make me play.                                 MIKE           It's only a flesh wound.                                 Mike grins and she smiles, relieved. A BELL RINGS, class over.                                  MIKE           You're Isabella, right?                                             9.           BELLA           Just Bella.                                  MIKE           I'm Mike. Newton.                                 He looks at her a second too long, clearly taken by her -           -           Suddenly, Jessica appears, stepping between them. Subtle,            but possessive as she nudges Mike.                                 JESSICA           She's got a great spike, doesn't            she?                                  (to Bella)           So, you're from Arizona, right?            Aren't people supposed to be tan            down there?                                 BELLA           That's why they kicked me out.                                 Mike laughs, and because he does, Jessica does. Bella just            feels uncomfortable with the attention..           .                                 15 INT. CAFETERIA - DAY 15                                 FOLLOW Bella, Mike and Jessica as they carry their trays to            a            table. Eric appears, and squishes into a seat next to Bella.                                  ERIC           Mike, you met my home girl Bella.                                  MIKE           Your home girl?                                 JESSICA                                  (to Bella)           It's first grade all over again,            and you're the shiny new toy.                                 Bella smiles awkwardly. Suddenly, a FLASHBULB blinds Bella.            She looks up at the photographer, ANGELA, Jessica's sweet,            low key, insecure friend.                                  ANGELA           Sorry, needed a candid for the feature            -                                 ERIC           Feature's dead, Angela. Don't bring it            up again.                                 (to Bella)           I got your back, baby.                                            10.           ANGELA                                 (disappointed)           Guess we'll just run another editorial on            teen drinking.                                  BELLA           Sorry. There's always eating disorders,            or Speedo padding on the swim team            -                                 ANGELA           -- Wait, that's a good one..           .                                 But Bella's attention is now riveted to            -                                 BELLA'S POV - THE DOUBLE DOORS OF THE CAFETERIA                                  They swing open as four of the most astounding people Bella's           ever seen enter (IN SLOW MOTION): THE CULLENS. Two guys, two            girls, all chalky pale, purplish shadows under their eyes..           .            and all devastatingly beautiful.                                  They move through the room with effortless grace, and take a seat            at a table furthest from Bella's. Bella leans over to Jessica and           Angela.                                 BELLA           Who are they?                                 ANGELA           The Cullens.                                  Jessica leans in, swinging into gossip mode.                                 JESSICA           Doctor and Mrs. Cullen's foster            kids. They all moved down here            from Alaska two years ago.                                  ANGELA           They kinda keep to themselves.                                 JESSICA           Because they're all together.            Like, together together. The            blonde girl, Rosalie, and the big            dark-haired guy, Emmett..           .                                 ON ROSALIE, 18, long blonde hair, model beautiful, knows it.            Alongside her is EMMETT, 17, big, brawny, like a weight            lifter, but a playful glint in his eye.                                  JESSICA           ... they're a thing. I'm not even           sure that's legal.                                            11.           ANGELA           Jess, they're not actually related.                                  JESSICA           But they live together. And the            little dark haired girl, Alice,            she's really weird..           .                                  ON ALICE, 17, pixie-like, rail thin, light on her feet with short,            black hair going in every direction. She hovers over, JASPER, 18,            honey-blond hair, tall, lean, slightly tortured.                                 JESSICA           ... she's with Jasper, the blonde            who looks like he's in pain.            I            mean, Dr. Cullen's like this foster            dad slash match maker.                                  ANGELA           Maybe he'll adopt me.                                 Bella laughs, liking her... then sees the last Cullen to enter            -                                 EDWARD, 17. Lanky, with untidy, bronze colored hair. He seems            inwardly turned, mysterious. More boyish than the others. But            the most striking of all. Bella can't take her eyes off him.                                 BELLA           Who's he?                                 JESSICA           That's Edward Cullen.                                 Suddenly, Edward looks over, as if he heard Jessica from            across the room. His eyes meet Bella's. But he seems..           .            confused. Bella quickly looks away.                                  JESSICA           He's totally gorgeous, obviously.            But apparently, no one here is good            enough for him. Like I care.                                  (she obviously does)           Anyway, don't waste your time.                                  BELLA           I wasn't planning on it.                                 But Bella can't help but peek at Edward again. He's staring           at her outright now, with a slightly frustrated expression            that unnerves Bella. She hides behind her hair.                                 16 INT. BIOLOGY CLASS - DAY 16                                 A room of black-topped lab tables. Two to a table. Bella            and Mike enter.                                             12.           Mike takes his seat and points her toward MR. MOLINA,            Birkenstocked, enthusiastic science teacher at the head of            the class. As Bella moves to the teacher with her class            slip, she notes            -                                 EDWARD -- his back to her, sitting at a front table. But as            she passes Edward's table..           .                                 SLOW MOTION -- the breeze she creates when she passes lifts            a            piece of paper next to Edward. We're still on his back as he           inhales --then abruptly stiffens. He grabs onto the edge of            the table, crumbling it slightly. No one notices.                                  Mr. Molina takes Bella's class slip.                                  MR. MOLINA           Welcome, Ms. Swan. Follow along as            best you can till you get caught            up.                                  Mr. Molina gestures to the only empty seat... next to Edward.            But as Bella approaches, she's taken aback when            -                                 ON EDWARD'S FACE -he slowly looks up at her, his eyes coal           black with repulsion, fury. If looks could literally kill..           .                                 Bella knocks someone's book bag off their chair. Replaces it,           mumbling an apology. Then slinks reluctantly into her seat.            Edward jerks away from her to the extreme edge of his chair.                                  MR. MOLINA                                 (to the class, animated)                                 Today we'll be observing the behavior                                  of planaria, a.k.a flatworms.                                 As Mr. Molina distributes two petri dishes per table            -                                 MR. MOLINA           We're going to cut them in half,            then watch them regenerate into two            separate worms..           .                                  Bella glances at Edward who averts his face, holding a hand over            his nose as if he smells something horrible.                                  Bella, shrinking, subtly sniffs the air, smells nothing.            Then she sniffs her hair. It's fine. She's perplexed. Mr.           Molina hands Edward two petri dishes.                                 MR. MOLINA           ... Yes, folks, zombie worms! They            just won't die.                                 Edward takes a dish, then slides the second one across the            table to Bella as if she had Ebola. She takes her dish, and            makes a dark curtain of her hair between them.                                             13.           She can see EDWARD'S HANDS under the table. Clenched into           fists. Off Bella, utterly baffled, and deeply insecure..           .                                 17 INT. HIGH SCHOOL - HALLWAY - DAY 17                                 -- as the BELL RINGS, Edward bolts out the door. Other kids            and Bella exit a moment later. Bella looks down the hall;            he's gone.                                  18 INT. ADMINISTRATION OFFICE - DAY 18                                 Bella enters, but nearly turns and leaves when she sees            -                                 EDWARD sweet-talking the enchanted female ADMINISTRATOR,            40's. He doesn't see Bella enter.                                 EDWARD                                 There must be something open sixth                                  period. Physics? Biochem?                                 ADMINISTRATOR                                 No, every class is full. I'm                                  afraid you'll have to stay in                                  biology. I'm so sorry.                                  Bella blanches. The Administrator sees her and gestures for            her to wait a minute.                                  But Edward suddenly straightens as if sensing Bella. He slowly            turns to glare at her with piercing, hate-filled eyes. She backs            to the wall, hugging herself, suddenly chilled... with fear.                                  EDWARD           (to the Administrator)           I'll just... endure it.                                  He strides out the door. Off Bella..           .                                  19 EXT. HIGH SCHOOL - DAY 19                                 Edward climbs into a shiny new silver Volvo with the Cullens,           while Bella, upset, hurries to her truck. The many eyes still            watching her add insult to injury. ... Finally, she reaches            -                                 20 INT. BELLA'S TRUCK (CONTINUOUS) 20                                 -- and closes the door. Her eyes well... but she fights it,            getting mad.                                  BELLA           Jerk.                                 As she tries to start the car, choking the engine, we begin to            hear a MAN'S RAGGED, FRIGHTENED BREATH            -                                 SMASH TO:                                            14.           21 ECU ON A SECURITY GUARD - IN THE DARKNESS 21                                 Extremely tight on his terrified FACE, sweat dripping, breathing            in short gasps, trying desperately not to make a sound. INCLUDE            -                                 22 INT. GRISHAM MILL - LATE AFTERNOON 22                                 --He's crouched in a dark corner. But then he sees a SHADOW           move blindingly fast past him. He jerks around, then another            SHADOW flies past, too fast to follow. He BOLTS!                                 He runs up a flight of stairs, harsh lights from the exterior of            the mill striating him. He moves as fast as humanly possible            -                                 UNKNOWN POV - ON THE SECURITY GUARD FROM SEVERAL FLOORS BELOW                                 UNKNOWN POV charges after him at an INHUMAN SPEED through this            maze of pillars and walkways. We dodge skull-crushing beams,            LEAP from one floor up to the next, up ladders, scaffolding,            beams, up, and up, getting closer and closer to            -                                 THE SECURITY GUARD                                 -- who desperately runs for his life, looking over his shoulder            with terror. UNKNOWN POV is closing in on him, but then he            BOLTS out a door            -                                 23 EXT. GRISHAM MILL (CONTINUOUS) - LATE AFTERNOON 23                                 -- The guard BURSTS OUT onto a stair landing, but loses his            footing and TRIPS, breaking through the rail and pitching            over the side, into the air            -                                 -- and stops, hovering mid-air, a yard from the landing.            A            HAND grips his shirt, then YANKS him out of the air and out            of frame with incredible strength. His guttural SCREAM is            choked short as BLOOD SPRAYS THE LANDING..           .                                 24 INT. FORKS COFFEE SHOP - LATE AFTERNOON 24                                 ON A TOP SIRLOIN STEAK as it is set in front of Charlie. He            shares a table with Bella. INCLUDE the waitress, CORA, 30's.           She beams at Bella as she sets a plate of cod in front of her.                                 Several LOGGERS at the counter offer Bella welcoming smiles. She            shrinks in her seat at the attention. Charlie's oblivious.                                 CORA                                 Can't get over how grown up you                                  are. And so gorgeous.                                  Bella glances at Charlie, who keeps his eyes on his steak.            A            bearded, hippy logger, WAYLON FORGE, 50, appears behind Cora,            leaning over her shoulder to Bella            -                                            15.           WAYLON           �Member me, honey? I was Santa one year.                                 CHARLIE           Waylon, she hasn't had a Christmas            here since she was four.                                 WAYLON           Bet I made an impression, though.                                  CHARLIE           You always do.                                  CORA           Let the girl eat her cod, Waylon.                                  (to Bella)           When you're done, I'll bring your            favorite - berry cobbler. Remember?            Your dad still has it. Every Thursday.                                 BELLA           (doesn't remember at           all)           That'd be great, thank you.                                 Cora shoos Waylon away. Left alone now, Charlie and Bella            both reach for the salt, knock hands. Charlie goes for the            ketchup instead. Silence as they eat.                                  A burst of LAUGHTER from a nearby happy FAMILY only serves to            emphasize their discomfort. Bella tries to bridge the gap.                                 BELLA           So... you eat here every night?                                 CHARLIE           Easier than washing dishes.                                 BELLA           I can cook.                                 He looks up, as if confused by the concept.                                 BELLA           I do the cooking at home - in Phoenix.            Mom's not great in the kitchen.                                 CHARLIE           I remember..           .                                  They both laugh -- recalling an especially bad dinner.                                  CHARLIE           How was school? Meet anyone?                                            16.           BELLA           A few people... Do you know the            Cullen family?                                 CHARLIE           (looks up sharply)           Are people talking about them again?                                 BELLA           No... well, a little.                                 CHARLIE           Just �cause they're newcomers. We're            lucky to have a surgeon like Dr.            Cullen at our podunk hospital. Lucky            his wife wanted to live in a small            town. Lucky his kids aren't like            a            lot of the hell-raisers around here.                                 BELLA           ... Okay.                                 CHARLIE           I just don't like narrow           mindedness.                                  And he returns to his food. Silence.                                  25 INT. BELLA'S ROOM - NIGHT 25                                 Bella looks out at the fog as she talks on the phone.                                  RENE (O.S.           )           If spring training goes well, we could            be living in Florida permanently.                                  TELEPHONE OPERATOR (O.S.)           Please insert 25 cents to continue.                                 BELLA           Mom, where's your cell?                                 INTERCUT WITH:                                 26 EXT. GAS STATION/GARAGE - NIGHT 26                                 Rene talks on a pay phone, her dead cell phone in her hand.            In the b.g., Phil and an Attendant work on the Subaru engine.                                  RENE           Ok, I didn't lose my power cord. It            ran away. Screaming. I literally            repel technology now.                                            17.           Bella smiles, missing her mom. Rene feeds the phone            quarters.                                  RENE                                 Now, tell me more about your                                  school, baby. What are the kids                                  like? Are there any cute guys?                                  Are they being nice to you?                                 BELLA                                 (a beat, lying)                                 They've all been really..           .                                  welcoming.                                 PUSH IN ON BELLA'S FACE, getting mad all over again as..           .                                 FLASH POP TO -EDWARD'S FACE, HIS COAL BLACK EYES, THE FURY..           .                                 SMASH TO:                                 27 EXT. HIGH SCHOOL - MORNING (BEFORE SCHOOL) 27                                 ON BELLA, sitting atop a table, an open book in her lap. But her            eyes are on the arriving kids, and the parking lot as they pull            in. She's waiting for Edward.                                 Jessica, Angela, Mike and Eric kick around a soccerball            nearby. They wave Bella to join them but she smiles,            declining... and returns to watching for Edward. Her face            tells us she's ready for a confrontation.                                  28 INT. BIOLOGY CLASS - SAME DAY 28                                 Bella strides in... but stops, surprised to find her lab            table empty. Off Bella, frustrated..           .                                 BEGIN A SERIES OF SCENES OVER SEVERAL DAYS:                                 29 INT. CAFETERIA - DIFFERENT DAY 29                                 Bella sits with Jessica and Angela who watch a YouTube video            on their phone. Bella gives it a cursory look, but is            focused on the Cullen table --only four of them. Edward's           seat is empty..           .                                  30 INT. GIRLS BATHROOM - DIFFERENT DAY 30                                 Bella washes her hands, then looks up at the mirror, startled to            find Rosalie and Alice behind her. They study Bella, Rosalie            with chillingly cold eyes, Alice with curiosity. Bella, uneasy,            hurries out.                                 31 EXT. FORKS HIGH SCHOOL - DIFFERENT DAY 31                                 Bella exits with Angela, Mike, Jessica and Eric, becoming a part            of this circle.                                             18.           She now only glances at Rosalie's car, a red M3 BMW, as it drives           past, noting, again, four Cullens, no Edward. Bella returns to            her friends, finally forgetting about him..           .                                 SERIES OF SCENES ENDS as we go to            -           32 INT. CHARLIE'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - MORNING 32           It's neater, rearranged more attractively. Clearly, Bella's           given it her touch. She sweeps through, folding Charlie's           fleece jacket, straightening up. She grabs her book bag            -           BELLA           Dad, I'm heading out.           33 EXT. CHARLIE'S HOUSE (CONTINUOUS) - MORNING 33           ON BELLA'S FACE as she opens the door and stops, dismay           filling her. It's pouring down rain --the yard is full of           puddles, some frozen. Bella shivers, wraps her coat tight.           BELLA           Great.            WHIP PAN to the driveway as Charlie pulls in -driving her            truck.            BELLA           Dad, I can drive myself to school.                                 As she walks down the steps, she doesn't realize, something's            watching her -           -           UNKNOWN POV - FROM THE TREES            --tracking Bella's every move as she slips and falls on            a                                 patch of ice -           -           BACK ON BELLA - fallen on her ass. Charlie climbs out of the            truck, helps her up.            CHARLIE           You okay, Bells?           BELLA           Ice doesn't help the uncoordinated.                                 CHARLIE           That's why I got you new tires.            She looks over at the truck -- yep, four new tires.           CHARLIE                                 The other ones were nearly bald.                                             19.           BELLA           You got me new tires. No one's            ever done that before.                                 Charlie looks at her, confused.                                 BELLA           I mean... nothing.                                 He clearly doesn't get it as heads toward his Cruiser.                                 CHARLIE           I'll be late for dinner. I'm heading            down to Mason County. A security guard            at the Grisham Mill got killed by some            kind of animal..           .                                 UNKNOWN POV - ON BELLA AND CHARLIE, as he speaks..           .                                 BELLA           An animal?                                 CHARLIE           You're not in Phoenix any more,            honey. They've been hunting it for            a week with no luck. Thought I'd            lend a hand.                                 BELLA           Be careful.                                 CHARLIE           Always am.                                 BACK ON BELLA..           .                                  BELLA           And thank you. For the tires.                                 He sees emotion in her eyes. Doesn't understand it, but nods,           heads inside. Bella looks at the tires again, oddly moved..           .                                 34 OMITTED 34                                 35 INT. BIOLOGY CLASS/HALLWAY - DAY 35                                 Rain beats on the roof as Eric walks Bella into class. She            brushes water off her coat as he chats her up.                                 ERIC           ... and yeah, prom committee is            a            chick thing, but I gotta cover it            for the paper anyway, and they need            a guy to help choose the music -           -           So I need your play list            -                                            20.           Bella is about to respond when Mike comes up behind her.                                 MIKE           Come on, Arizona. Give it up for            the rain.                                 And he shakes his wet baseball cap onto Bella's head.                                 BELLA           Terrific.                                  She heads toward her seat, brushing off her hair. But she            freezes when she sees --Edward.                                  Bella straightens, girding herself. Then strides to the            table, and confidently drops her books down, ready to address            him. But he looks up at her            -                                 EDWARD           Hello.                                 Bella stops. Stunned. He is direct, precise, as if every            word is an effort for him.                                  EDWARD           I didn't have a chance to introduce            myself last week. My name is            Edward Cullen.                                  She's too shocked that he's talking to her to answer.                                 EDWARD           (prompting)           ... You're Bella.                                 BELLA           I'm... yes.                                  Feeling like an idiot, she quickly sits. He abruptly moves to            the extreme edge of his seat. She's even more baffled now.                                 MR. MOLINA                                 (to the class)           Onion root tip cells! That's            what's on your slides. Separate            and label them into the phases of            mitosis. The first partners to get            it right, win... the golden onion!                                  He excitedly holds up a spray painted onion. Everyone just            looks at him. He's disappointed by their apathy.                                 MR. MOLINA           Come on, people. Tick tock.                                            21.           Everyone sets to work. Edward pushes the microscope to            Bella, keeping his distance, his voice controlled.                                 EDWARD           Ladies first.                                  She grabs the microscope defensively and snaps the first slide            in, adjusting the lens. She's curt as she addresses him.                                 BELLA           You've been gone.                                 EDWARD           Out of town. For personal reasons.                                 She glances at him but he just leans far away, his face            tight. She looks back into the microscope.                                 BELLA           Prophase.                                  She begins to remove the slide.                                  EDWARD           May I look?                                 She slides him the microscope. He glances through the lens.                                 EDWARD           Prophase.                                 BELLA           (muttering)           Like I said.                                 He writes it on the worksheet. Then he takes a breath, as if            trying calm himself, and turns to her with enormous effort.                                 EDWARD           Enjoying the rain?                                 BELLA           Seriously? You're asking me about the            weather?                                 EDWARD           It appears.                                 BELLA           No. I don't like the cold. Or the            wet. Or the gray. Or parkas. Or            turtle necks.                                  Is that a smile playing on his lips? For the first time, he            seems more intrigued than agonized. He studies her. She still            can't tell if he despises her or not. It's infuriating.                                            22.           BELLA                                 What?                                 He shakes his head and turns to the microscope, switching out                                  the slides. She looks at him. And keeps looking..           .                                  BELLA'S POV - ECU ON EDWARD'S FACE                                 His cheekbones, his lips. So perfect, like a sculpture..           .           EDWARD                                 Anaphase.            She snaps out of it. Covers with a dry look.            BELLA            May I?                       (she looks through the            lens)           Anaphase.                                 EDWARD           Like I said.                                 She glances at him, and this time sees a smirk. She simply            holds out her hand for another slide.                                 EDWARD                                 (handing her the slide)           If you hate cold and rain, why move to            the wettest place in the continental U.S.                                 BELLA           It's complicated.                                 EDWARD           I think I can keep up.                                 He actually seems interested. She looks into the microscope as            -                                 BELLA           My mother remarried.                                  EDWARD           Very complex. So you don't like him.                                 BELLA           Phil is fine. Young for her, but            nice enough.                                 (re: the slide)           Interphase.                                 CUT ON THE SCHOOL BELL:                                            23.           36 INT. HIGH SCHOOL - HALLWAY - MOMENTS LATER 36                                 Bella exits holding the golden onion, and practically runs            into Edward, who's directly in front of her.                                  EDWARD                                 Why didn't you stay with your mom                                  and stepdad?                                 He waits for her answer, studying her, as if trying to decipher            her. She's drawn in by his attention, oddly compelled.                                 BELLA                                 Alright, Phil's a minor league                                  baseball player, so he travels            a                                  lot. My mother stayed home with me                                  but it made her unhappy. So            I                                  decided to spend time with my                                  father.                                 EDWARD           But now you're unhappy.                                  BELLA           No... I -- I just..           .                                 Bella turns away -- embarrassed, vulnerable.                                  EDWARD                                 I'm just trying to figure you out.                                  You're very hard to read.                                 He's clearly trying to read her now... their eyes meet again.           But now she looks more closely at him.                                 BELLA           Did you get contacts?                                  EDWARD           ... no.                                 BELLA                                 Your eyes were black before, now                                  they're this golden brown or            -                                 EDWARD           It's just the fluorescents.                                 He abruptly turns and walks away. As he does, Bella notes -           -           HIS HANDS clenched into tight fists. Off Bella, utterly            bewildered, both intrigued and frustrated.                                 37 EXT. HIGH SCHOOL - PARKING LOT - DAY 37                                 The rain has stopped, but the parking lot is full of water            and patches of black ice.                                             24.           Shivering, Bella heads for her truck, carrying the onion,            carefully navigating the icy puddles. As she reaches her            truck, she looks across the lot                                  EDWARD stands by his silver Volvo with his siblings, about to            climb in. A moment as their eyes meet... then he looks toward the            sound of a high pitched SCREECH, that quickly grows LOUDER..           .                                  Bella turns to see a VAN -- skidding on the ice, careening out of            control, heading directly for her. TIME suddenly fractures,            compressing to stillness, then exploding in bursts of speed as            -                                 -- THE FACES OF THE STUDENTS - in shock, seeing what's coming.           --THE VAN DRIVER'S FACE -TYLER, desperately trying to gain           control, then shielding his face.           -- EDWARD'S FACE - looking at Bella with horror..           .                                  THE VAN is about to hit Bella's truck, with her standing in            between, when suddenly, something knocks Bella down, pinning            her to the ground. She looks up - Edward is on top of her.                                  The world around them FREEZES -- in this fraction of            a            second, their proximity is overwhelming, electrifying. He            breathes in her scent, she takes in his flawless face..           .                                 Abruptly, we BLAST BACK TO SPEED as several things happen so            quickly, we, and Bella, are unsure what's going on:                                 -- THE VAN SMASHES into the back of Bella's truck            -           -- Then SPINS around, once again careening toward her and            Edward, then suddenly            -           --EDWARD'S HANDS are creating a deep dent in the side of the           van's body as it shudders to a stop, a foot from Bella.            -- Edward literally pushes the van away.                                 Then silence. A long beat, void of any sound, as Bella looks at            Edward, trying to absorb what just happened. Edward's fear for           her is still alive on his face. She starts to speak but..           .                                 THE SCREAMING begins, yelling, calls for help. People leap to            Tyler's aid, run to Bella and Edward. Bella SEES the onion on the           ground, smashed as she would have been. As everyone sweeps in,            Edward moves into the b.g. Mike and Eric run to Bella            -                                 MIKE ERIC                                 Are you okay!? Are you What happened!? Did anyone                                  hurt?! see what happened?           !                                 Amid the chaos, Bella sees EDWARD'S SIBLINGS looking at           Edward. But they show no hint of concern for his safety.            Instead, they look at him with disapproval... and fury.                                  38 INT. HOSPITAL - TREATMENT AREA - DAY 38                                 The double doors BURST open as Charlie runs in, face white            with terror. He spots            -                                            25.           BELLA - sitting on a gurney, the E.R. DOCTOR looking into her            eyes with a pen light. On the next gurney over, Tyler, the            van's driver, lies with a mild head wound. Charlie rushes up.                                 CHARLIE           Bells. Are you alright?                                 BELLA           I'm fine, dad. Calm down.                                 TYLER           I'm so sorry, Bella. I tried to stop.                                 BELLA           It's okay, Tyler.                                 CHARLIE           It sure as hell is not okay.                                 BELLA           Dad, it's not his fault-                                 CHARLIE            (stern, cutting her off)           We nearly lost you.                                 BELLA           But you didn't.                                 He'd hug her, if that was who he, or who she was. Instead,           he glares at Tyler.                                 CHARLIE           You can kiss your license goodbye.                                 DR. CULLEN (O.S.           )           I heard the Chief's daughter was here.                                 They look up as DR. CARLISLE CULLEN, mid 30's, approaches, blond,           movie star handsome. His face is kind, but pale, tired.                                  CHARLIE           Good. Dr. Cullen.                                  DR. CULLEN           (to E.R. Doctor)           I've got this one, Jackie.                                 The E.R. Doctor hands Dr. Cullen the chart, exits. Dr. Cullen            reviews her chart, then feels the back of her head as..           .                                            26.           DR. CULLEN           You have a nice knot growing back            there, but your x-rays show no            indication of concussion.                                  TYLER           I'm so sor


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