An inverted angel<3

Last Login:
August 21st, 2021

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Gender: Male
Status: Divorced
Age: 17
Sign: Cancer
Country: United States

Signup Date:
August 03, 2020


03/15/2021 05:40 PM 

survey www

Do you identify more with a mouse or a rat?
If you could be a cereal, what cereal would you be?
trix becauz its colorful and cute
What's your go-to "I need to cry" song?
198d or beach life in death
What's your "I'm in a good mood" song?
most of them i guess i dont realy think about it
What's your favorite word?
What's your favorite insect?
moths my favorite is the pale beauty moth
What are the last 3 searches in your search history?
"hajime ueda" "sushi james ferraro" "how to default text css" LOL
Have you ever lied for no reason? What about?
probably but i do not remember
If someone made a candle inspired by you, what would it smell like?
mildew and hardwood and dollar store perfume
What were the most significant toys or stuffed animals from your childhood?
i didnt really have any .iguess the stuffed rabbit my grandma made for me?
Where was your cool secret hangout spot in highschool that only you and your friends went to?
i just started highschool but in middle school we used to run to thewoods behind the football field or go inside the building when noone else was there during football games lol
If you could have any beverage have the same effects as plain water so you could drink it all the time without getting dehydrated or diabetes, what would it be?
none id probably get sick of how sweet most stuff i like is at some point 
Do you identify more with a gummy bear or a gummy worm? Are you sour?
gumy bear because sour gummy worms are gross..
Do you remember any one specific article of clothing you had in elementary school?
yes glitter knockoff sketchers and those shirts with that sock monkey on it
Which 2 artists do you want to see collab, even if it will probably never happen?
cant rly think of any. .. . they wouldnt go well
Would you rather live in a giants ear or belly button?
well neither maybe.
What's your favorite fruit?
What's the last song you listened to?
pirupi! f***!! by goresh*t


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