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August 8th, 2022

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Gender: Male
Age: 22
Sign: Gemini
Signup Date:
October 05, 2020


01/13/2021 10:13 PM 


i kinda spooked maggie this morning lol. they didnt know they were still in the call so they said wtf when i started talking lol. i showed maggie the smoothie i made for breakfast:) it was good but kinda thick. after a bit we watched a bunch of yt together, and some of it was pretty creepy lol. like dogs and cats that could talk to their humans using buttons kinda like the staples ones that say stuff. we watched some kinda funny bobby lee videos. we watched some madtv clips, and they were alright. then we watched some fanta commercials that id never seen, and some other commercials like one for "bod" which was a deodorant with super weird ads, and then some cute cat videos:) then we watched a super sweet video about long lost horse husband and wife:') after that we watched some cool music videos, like the one that came out last year for a redbone song. maggie showed me this awesome group called elo, or electric light orchestra. we cooked again today:)) we made chili rellenos(that were supposed to be for lunch), and it was hard lol. it took like 4 hours, and i finished by dinner time haha. it was so much fun to cook with them, and joke around. its amazing honestly. they turned out pretty well i think:) maggie showed me some really cool stuff tonight about the beasts and about the end of times and stuff which was really cool! i like talking about that kinda stuff with them. i took some cute pictures/videos of pixie:) maggie really likes seeing them. we listened to some old rap songs, like ciara and nate dogg, which was really fun, and maggie made me sing lil jons part in a song lol. that was really fun:) we talked more about my brother lol. hes an interesting guy. we listened to a bunch of new bands tonight:) they were all really good, and maggie laughed at me cus i got mad that a comment called nirvana the male box of toys lol. they said it was cute. my favorite band we listened to was jack off jill. theyre honestly amazing! maggie listens to so much good music its kinda crazy. i fell asleep though:/ it was really fun though, and im jusut super happy rn blush


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