
Last Login:
May 20th, 2021

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Gender: Male
Age: 17
Sign: Cancer
Country: Japan

Signup Date:
July 14, 2020


10/01/2020 01:45 PM 

the end of september
Current mood:  adored

today took a change for the better, it wasnt the same as the typical wake up do school do chores go to bed repeat, i actually was productive and practiced guitar, and got an "early christmas gift" of air jordan ones so thats pretty cool. hopefully it doesnt rain tonight, because there was a storm yesteday so i couldnt go skate, but it should be dried up by then. this blog already sounds like a fiction of my dream self i'd write in the 3rd grade or something LMFAOO but i just want to share how my day was with those who come across it. depending on how dedicated i am i'll be on here daily but during the night, because i'm restless and i never want to go to bed so i just stay up on my computer. this month wasn't all bad as i make it seem to be, i got alot done and im pretty proud of myself besides the school thing, i couldn't care less about schoolwork lmaoo. i hope that this changes soon because im sure im not doing well and its not gonna be good in the long run. but anyway i really look forward to this time of year because its my second favorite besides summer. goodnight for whoever sees this, stay hydrated and get some outside time, go for a walk it'll change your mood, visit a shop and get your favorite snack and just enjoy the air.


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