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Gender: Female
Status: Single
Age: 18
Sign: Aquarius
Country: United States

Signup Date:
December 15, 2019


12/15/2019 03:45 PM 

Current mood:  calm

1.Spell your name without an E,R,S,H,K,I,M,L,C,A,Y,N  J 
2.Are you single? Yes I am still questioning my sexuality right now but I think I am bi or lesbian though.
3.What is your favorite number? I don't have one.
4.What is your favorite color? I like all colours though some work better in different colour schemes so it matters what they are placed with.
5.Least favorite color? Read above.
6.What are you listening to? One of those jazz mixes on YouTube.
7.Are you happy with your life right now?
8.Are you involved with anyone? No.
9.What is your favorite subject in school/ college? Okay so while I am home schooled I still do school (Because I am not un-schooled.) and if I had to pick a favorite subject it would most likely be the rare occasions we do art.

10.Do you shop at Abercrombie? No I usually shop at thrift stores though if I had more money I might do more online or if in real life something at an vintage or antique store then if a modern store it would be hot topic honestly.
11.Do you have money? Yes I have over 100 dollars in the bank all of which I am saving for later in life.
12.Would you take an ex back? Yes technically I guess here's the thing she was really pretty right though I never realized we were in a relationship as she never said anything about it and I never asked about (I am horrid at social cues which as I've heard is an Aspergers/autism thing.) she was really kind to me though right ten one day out of the blue she broke up with me on text again I didn't even know we were in a relationship.
13.Are you outgoing? At times though I am also very socially awkward.
14.Are you gay? I am questioning my sexual orientation as I think I am bi or lesbian because girls are great and I am terrible at my own emotions so I don't know how I feel yay.
15.Where do you wish you were right now? Honestly in a library in England.
16.What should you be doing right now? Sleeping.

Can you blow a bubble? No.
Can you do a cart wheel? No I have tried many times though.
Can you touch your toes? Yes easily.
Can you wiggle your ears? No.
Can you touch your tongue to your nose? My tongue is too short so no.

Did you ever want to be a doctor? Yes after I found out that being a vet would have dissecting animals and I didn't want to do that but realized that would mean doctors would have to dissect humans and that seem more interesting.
Did you ever want to be a fire fighter? No never.
Did you ever want to be a teacher? I have thought of it.
Did you ever break the law? I don't believe so though there are those laws that a broken without even knowing about them so who knows.
Did you vote for Bush? No I am too young.

Do you like rollercoasters? I have never tried one though I would like to despite my fear or heights.
Do you own a bike? Yes.
Do you play the lotto? I've tried once I didn't win though.
Do you like football? No to both playing and watching.
Do you have a shopping addiction? No I rarely shop though I would like to have more books honestly.

Does your family have family picnics? No not really.
Does you wallet have any pics in it? I don't one regularly and neither of them have a place for pictures so no.
Does your job bring you satisfaction? I don't have one so again no.
Does a soft answer turn away wrath? It can I believe but it won't always.
Does sex mean love? No as you can still be in a romantic relationship and not have sex with your partner/s.

Last person you hung out with? Honestly my sister.
Last car ride? My mother bringing me to my father's house.
Last text message? Was from my someone in my D&D group.
Last baby you held? I try not to hold babies.
Last time you shaved? A week or two ago I believe.

What was the last thing you bought? I don't remember but most likely books.
What was the last thing you had to drink? Water.
What was the last thing you watched? A tv show called horror homes.
What was the last thing you read? Dress codes for small towns.
What was the last thing your hand wrote? Notes for my character in the D&D campaign I'm

Who last talked to you on the phone? I don't even know honestly.
Who was the last person you took a picture of? My sister.


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