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02/09/2013 03:51 PM 

Siegfried and Fafnir

Siegfried and Fafnir: (Norse)

King Alf of Denmark was a good man who loved his stepson, Siegfried like his own flesh and blood. Siegfried alone seemed to posses the heroic qualities true to a real Viking king, but he had no right to the throne.

The dwarf, Regin, saw how to take advantage of the heroic promise showed by Siegfried. One day, with studied innocence, Regin remarked to Siegfried how sad it was that while all his stepbrothers were assured of position and respect as heirs to their father's dominion, he had nothing comparable to look forward to. Unless, that is, he decided to seek fame as a fearless warrior.

Siegfried was easily persuaded. Regin lost no time in telling him about a terrible dragon called Fafnir which frequented a barren realm known as Gnitahead and guarded a vast hoard of treasure. To slay such a monster would gain Siegfried great honour and esteem.

What Regin didn't mention, was that he was, in fact after the treasure for himself. Years before the birth of Siegfried, the dwarf king had been cut down by one of his own sons, who coveted the king's vast treasure. That son was Fafnir and Fafnir's brother was Regin. After gaining his father's wealth, Fafnir retreated with it to Gnitahead and jealously guarded it. But the treasure was tainted by his dying father's curse and brought about the terrible transformation in Fafnir, turning him into a slithering dragon.

When they reached the dragon's cave, Fafnir was nowhere to be seen. Following Regin's advice, Siegfried dug a deep pit in the path along which the dragon would return and hid in it. When Fafnir finally approached, Siegfried thrust his sword upward and felt its blade plunge into the unprotected belly of the dragon. It was a deep wound that caused Fafnir to cry out once and crash to the ground.

No sooner had Siegfried clambered out of the pit, than Regin appeared, eyes gleaming with delight. He dug out the dragon's heart, bade Siegfried to light a fire, to roast the heart and give it to him to eat. Regin alleged that this was merely a symbolic gesture.

Sigfried saw no reason to doubt the dwarf and did as he was asked, but just as he was about to hand the heart to the dwarf, he burned his finger on the hot surface. He licked his finger to soothe the pain and suddenly heard the birds talking in the trees about how Regin at this very moment was plotting Siegfried's murder; the magic in the dragon heart had given Siegfried the power to hear them.

Moments later, Siegfried swung and Regin's head rolled down the path to land beside the dragon. Siegfried walked into the cave to claim the treasure and, unbeknown to him, the curse that accompanied it.


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