About me: Welcome to my site, I'm Frank, and this is my store's page on Friend Project. I'm here to meet new friends and to help in answering any questions you may have about Car Stereo or Home Theater. At Electronic Arts, we try to understand what your needs or likes are and create a plan to make it reality!We offer trades and upgrades to our customers and even offer payment plans. At ELECTRONIC ARTS we have 3 departments, Sales and consulting, Design and testing, Repairs and Installations.
We offer free training of electronics and custom installations. Also offer life time warranties on our work.
Who I'd like to meet: ANYONE interested in car stereo, video gaming, or exploring.
�Happy Thanks Giving Frank Again :)� I've been really busy getting packed up, Pretty much FINISHED ! !� Are you gonna come get me????� Can't wait to bust down ur door and show you what I mean by OR ELSE! ...haha jk� I Miss you and the shop so much it hurts...i should be there next week.� just be ready, ive been needing to decompress for weeks :) � call you ltr YEA!