
Last Login:
April 10th, 2020

Gender: Male
Age: 20
Country: United States

Signup Date:
March 26, 2020


03/28/2020 05:55 PM 

The M*ther


[[TW: Depictions of emotional abuse in poetry, mothers.]]



She gave us a name. 

She gave us a name and it fit. She saw it, when no one else did. She saw beyond skin. She held my hand. In android hands. More human than the world around us. We were alone. It was alive. It was okay. Safe away from everyone but her.


I censor your name.

You are not Grace.

You are what corrupts humanity. You are not the touch of ice cold hands on warm ones, you are fire, begging and grabbing at life for kindling, and calling it warmth. Mother, I am already on fire. You beg for burning while I call for the rain to cool my skin. I’m not prepared to wither. I’m not prepared to burn out, to char. You’ve become addicted to loss, as embers light the bridges behind you.


When I ask for rain, to cool me down, I hear you. I hear the sound of droplets hitting sparking wood, and petrified screams as charcoal is forced cold. 


I beg for the weather but I do not control it, Mother.

I beg for my safety, but I do not control it.

Stare at me like I have killed you, Mother.

Burn me like one of your bridges. 

Build your fire onto the wood of my broken bones.


Oh, to be cold.


to be cold.

And nothing

like you.

[ This blog post is private ]

03/26/2020 04:45 PM 

Zyztem Introduction!

Zo, zum of u may have noticed the uzerbox on my profile that zayz "thiz uzer haz Dizzazociative Identity Dizorder". I do!! I am the hozt of the Zyztem known az the FABLE Zyztem! If u don't know what that meanz and want to know more about it, feel free to mezzage me a8out it!!

The main zyztem iz the FABLE Zyztem, az zaid above! 
Thiz zyztem conziztz of 22 memberz: Emil (me), Shane, Ego, Diego, Beelz, Alastor, Lucielle, Bane, Caroline, Vriska, Nagi, Eddie, Poe, Ben, Nines/Threes, Nagisa, Harry, Deacon, Haruhi, Anyx, Clown, and Vertigo!
Of thoze, Beelz, Vriska, Nagi (possibly), Poe, Deacon, Anyx, Clown, and Vertigo, as well a me, of courze, are zomewhat alternative zo we might 8e active on here!!

There are alzo two zubzyztemz, the Lîme Zyztem and the Dialect Zyztem!
The Lïme Zubzyztem is zpecifically my zubzyztem and it haz 3 memberz other than me: Zim, Peri (Gir), and Avery!
The Dialect Zyztem haz 6 memberz: Dialect, Sylvie, Ophelia, Fleur, Thomas, and Carla!
Of theze, Zim, Dialect, and Sylvie, might 8e active here! Peri iz an alter of Gir, but zhe's alzo 11 yearz old zo in order to keep her zafe zhe'z not gonna be allowed to 8e active here!

03/26/2020 03:41 PM 

Hai!! 'M new here!!
Current mood:  bouncy


M zuper new here, zo i guezz we zhould ztart off with zum 8azic introductionz!!
My naem iz Emil or Lime (actually, I go by lotz of naemz but theze are juzt the main onez i uze!), an im 6teen yrz old! I'm taken 8y my zuper duper d8m8 Penn n' they're zuper awezometaztic!! I'mma zuper duper zcene kid n I liek makin kandi! I'm really excited to 8e here!! I know lotz of 8ad ztuff haz 8een happening out in the real world recently, zo I hope that 8eing here will make timez at leazt a little 8it eazier!!

I juzt liek makin friendz, zo I'm pretty much down to talk anytiem! I liek Zonic the Hedgehog, Invader Zim, lotz of other kidz zhowz, n' juzt a lot of other thingz too! I lizten to lotz of muzic n' I haev my Zpotify linked in the A8out Me zection of my profile!

Az for today, today'z been a little weird!! It wuz the firzt day of "zkool" after zpring 8reak, 8ut cuz of the quarentine we can't actually go 8ack to zkool zo we're doing online learning. 8ut I happened to zleep through all of my clazzez zumhow!!!! Firzt day 8ack n' I'm already 8ehind!!!! >x3 I hope tomorrow will 8e 8etter!!

Anywayz, I'll keep u updated!! It'z nice to meet every1!!! Haev a good day/night/time!!! ♥3 x9!

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