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Age: 29
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Country: United States

Signup Date:
December 28, 2019


12/28/2019 04:02 PM 

Boredom Survey
Category: Blogging

1. Define boredom in your own words:

having un-interest, nothing to do, sometimes over thinking.

2. Are you bored right now?
yes lol

3. What do you usually do when you are bored?
listen to music and do art of some kind.

4. Can you remember a time when you were the bordest you have ever been in your life?
laying in my room on the floor as a teen and not having anyone to talk to or have anything to do.

5. Are weddings boring to you?

6. List activities that you find boring:
counting items, the news, sports, being trapped somewhere I don't want to be.

7. Are you a boring person?
I don't think so

8. Has anyone ever called you boring?
not to my knowledge 

9. Would you get offended if someone told you that you were boring?
I'd ask them why and see if I could change it lol

10. Who is the most boring person you know?
not sure tbh

11. Most boring subject in school?

12. Is TV a cure for boredom in your opinion?
not always, depends on if I find it catching my interest.

13. Name the most boring family member you have?
I don't like most of my family so

14. Longest amount of time you have ever sat and done nothing?
5 hours

15. What topic bores you?
social studies

16. Do you draw when you are bored?

17. Do you cure boredom easily?
most of the time

18. Do you do these surveys when you are bored, or because you like to?
little of both

19. The most boring speech you ever sat through was...?
psych 101 in the first couple weeks of repeat info.

20. Have you ever dated a boring person? If yes, what made them boring?
yes, we didn't share any common interests and just kind of did our own thing together in the same room. He wasn't fun to be around really.


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